


I have just received this from one of my friends:

"Do not download the latest update for MSN Messenger. It installs spyware,
and you end up with a file Rem32B4.exe. Needless to say, it does not ask
your permission to install that file. It does that automatically with the

This file will sit in your TEMP folder and stay there. It is undeletable by
any means, way or fashion, and has some suspect programming instructions in

This raises some questions for me which I hope can be answered here.

1. Is Windows Messenger the same as MSN Messenger?

2. Can version 6.2 of MSN Messenger be installed on an XP Machine?

3. Is there any truth in the above message.

Many thanks.


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Jose Francisco


Weird having spyware installed with MSN Messenger. Microsoft doesn't release
spyware with their programs. Anyway here are the answers to your questions:

1) No, MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger are totally different. Windows
Messenger is preinstalled on Windows XP Machines while you've got to
download MSN Messenger from their website :
Windows Messenger is usually used in businesses while MSN Messenger is more
for home based.

2) Yes you can install and use MSN Messenger on Windows XP

3) I'm not so sure. In my opinion that's false!


Thanks and best of luck!

Miss Perspicacia Tick

Joe said:
I have just received this from one of my friends:

"Do not download the latest update for MSN Messenger. It installs
spyware, and you end up with a file Rem32B4.exe. Needless to say, it
does not ask your permission to install that file. It does that
automatically with the upgrade

This file will sit in your TEMP folder and stay there. It is
undeletable by any means, way or fashion, and has some suspect
programming instructions in it"

This raises some questions for me which I hope can be answered here.

1. Is Windows Messenger the same as MSN Messenger?

2. Can version 6.2 of MSN Messenger be installed on an XP Machine?

3. Is there any truth in the above message.

Many thanks.

Suggest you get some new friends. MS does *NOT* install spyware! Now quit
perpetuating nonsensical rumours.


Thank you Miss Pessipiccia Tick.

Can you please tell me why it is that every time I ask a question here you
seem to reply in a manner that appears to attempt to deride me?

I have often asked questions here and got civil sensible answers that I do
appreciate and your method of replying severely detracts from this

I will decide who I will have for my friends and if you think what I ask is
nonsensical then please refrain from answering.

Thank you also Jose, your answer is appreciated.


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see below.........
I have just received this from one of my friends:

"Do not download the latest update for MSN Messenger. It installs
spyware, and you end up with a file Rem32B4.exe. Needless to say, it
does not ask your permission to install that file. It does that
automatically with the upgrade

This file will sit in your TEMP folder and stay there. It is
undeletable by any means, way or fashion, and has some suspect
programming instructions in it"

This raises some questions for me which I hope can be answered here.

1. Is Windows Messenger the same as MSN Messenger?

No. Two different programs that do essentially the same thing.
2. Can version 6.2 of MSN Messenger be installed on an XP Machine?

Yes, but its really not needed. Windows messengers functionality should be
fine for most normal IM users.
3. Is there any truth in the above message.

No. MS doesn't put spyware in any software they develop.


Thanks Ted, I prefer to think that some people are more to be pitied than

It's just my nature that if I ask someone something and I get an answer then
I thank them, but let them decide what I am saying thanks for.



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Firstly, this yeast infected ¢ünt of whôre is not worth telling to füçk off,
let alone even thank!
Ignore her mental masturbations she has with herself when she derides others
for emulating her own faults!

Here is a picture of her, she is the ugly mongoloid in the teal sweater, and
note, she can chew corn through fence with those teeth!

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