Message stuck in Windows Mail. Can't delete, Move



Hi All
Running real version of Vista Home Premium (not Beta).

I have one message stuck in my Deleted Messages folder that I cannot delete
or move and Windows Mail comes up with an Unknown Error whenever I try. The
Preview pane also says it can't display message.

Have tried the Compact/Repair tool.
Have tried the hard fix delete of the WIndows Mail Database.

Neither of these seem to work and it's just sitting there.
Anyone got an idea how to get rid of it?


i can't help you but I have the same problem but in my inbox. Do anyone know
What to do????/bimban

Gary VanderMolen

Have you tried marking it 'read' and then deleting it?
If the undeletable email is in a folder other than the outbox,
just ignore it. The cure for that is worse than the disease.

Gary VanderMolen

Steve Cochran

The problem is the message is not really there. Its just listed in the
database, but there is no corresponding file to match it.



Thank you for the answers. Your answer is right and I did look in the folder
it was empty. So I have to live with it I think/Bimban

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