media to VOB to media converter



Helloo freeware lovers!
Anything available that converts VOB (DVD files) to say mpg, avi ect...

Also anything available that converts mpg, avi ect... to VOB



Thanks. I have download both programs and will test them very soon. I
nearly wrote back saying that VideoDVD Maker wasn't free but there is a
free version (hiding at the bottom of the page) which looks very
Will let you know how it goes.


Not to sure what Virtual Dub Mod was all about, but I think it was more
to do with audio than video conversion. No mentions of VOBs in the

Video DVD Maker Free would do exactly what I wanted if it wasn't as
buggy as hell. No seriouly, this software will be great once all the
bugs are out of it. It's just that I can't really do anything with it
in its present state.

I have also been researching other solutions, but the other media
convertors I found only take mpeg-2 stream files as input to convert to
VOB files.

Thanks for the other suggestions. I'll check them out.

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