Managed Mapi Error Refractory to Sue Mosher's Load Behav Value Edit to 3


Chad Harris

On XP Pro SP2 box dual booting with a still congenitally broken Vista whose
SFC can trash the reg, System Restore cannot manufacture Restore Points, and
UAC threatens to be the next pandemic to panic the world. Off hand, I'd bet
that Steve Hiskey, Lead Program Maanager for UAC will take some heat for
this because despite all the regedits, and secpol.msc Run as admin tricks,
people are going to be beating a path to msconfig and disabling UAC in
droves (defeating its purpose)--or at least while they try to install or get
into folders they can't or else getting in touch with their inner parent
child take permissions and security tab in ways they never knew they could.

But to Outlook's problem which is the reason for posting here:

I have no trouble loading OL 2007 Beta 2 with Vista, but on my XP boot, I
get the multiplying refusing to die in your face
error message, "Managed MAPI Service Catastrophic Failure"-- Could not load
file or assembly CLR 'Iris.Mapi.Message.Store' or one of its dependancies."
The system cannot find the file specified.

This is remeniscent of a problem I had with OL 2003 with BCM because BCM
didn't in that version want to play with .net Framework 2.0. I don't know
what the situation is to have the right setup for OL 2007 on XP, but it is
necessary for me to have .net framework 2.0 for Windows One Care.

Why am I not shocked if this is the case--I know Patricia Cordoza has had a
BCM site up for some time--that if Windows One Care Live's requirement for
for .net framework 2.0 conflicts with OL 2007 these teams couldn't
communicate way prior to now and resolve this issue. I'll ck Patricia's
site and see if she has anything on this.

I followe Sue's directions here:

If you don't see the Business Tools menu, BCM probably failed to load when
Outlook started. Run Regedit and go to the
osoft.BusinessSolutions.eCRM.OutlookAddin.Connect. 1
key. If the value for LoadBehavior is something other than 3, make a backup
of the registry, edit LoadBehavior to set it to 3, then restart Outlook. You
can also check Help | About Microsoft Outlook | Disabled Items.

I don't see the path to disabled items in OL 2007 I know is in OL 2003.
Running the Diagnostic Service in 2007 produced nothing.
I have read Norton can cause this problem as just one of its panopoly of
endless conflicts with OE and OL, but the day I began with One Care, I
kicked Norton to the curb never to return.

I saw at the end of her post that Sue recommended a Support episode, and
this is a Beta but I'm sure this error occured in Office 2003 although I
never saw it with that and I don't see this problem with Vista and OL 07.

As I think Sue and Patricia and I'll bet Diane Poremsky and the Divine Ms.
Staples are aware, MSFT PSS sub-enterprise is an absolute joke for the main
reason that some accountant non-software engineer at MSFT who calls this
shot outsources PSS to Convergys of Ohio in India minimum wage butts in
seats who 1) Don't know jack about Windows 2) Don't know jack about Office
3) According to my Inidian next door neighbor who grew up here can't speak
English worth a damn.

It's interesting that the NY Times this morning had a front page Business
Page article that Dell slipping in sales chose to spend $100 million on
Support in order to make changes fast. It's clear that as Mr. Gates eases
out from day to day duties, Ballmer and Sinofsky are not about to change
this totally worthless PSS situation for anyone below enterprise level nor
or the support personnel in Dallas who supervise North American support able
to make any changes.

Any suggestions for fixing this would be appreciated.

Ha! As I speak having made the regedit five minutes ago, suddenly these
multiplying error boxes in my face reminding me of the movie classic
"Invasion of the Body Snatchers" have vanished. Maybe it was because I
needed to remember Newton's 3rd Law of Outlook which is that these fixes
only work if you are typing the names Mosher, Cordoza, Staples, and Poremsky
while you do the regedit.



Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

I don't see the path to disabled items in OL 2007.

Tools | Trust Center | Addins >> It's in the Manage drop-down list at the bottom of the window.

Did you install Office 2007 over Office 2003 + BCM? Have you installed BCM 2007 yet? I would certainly expect problems with BCM 2003 and Outlook 2007.

You might want to check the microsoft.public.outlook.bcm for more details. Since we don't see much BCM activity in this forum.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Chad Harris


I appreciate the quick response. I have trouble distinguishing between
these two groups of all the groups I'm familiar with because they are named
so ambiguously-- it'shard to tell diff between Outlook and Outlook general
for me. But I forgot there is an OL.bcm group. Thanks for this path to
Add-Ins which must be different for Office 2007 than it was if I remember a
two way path through Help and another route in Office 2003. (Sorry I don't
have Office 2003 on a box to look at).

Did you install Office 2007 over Office 2003 + BCM? I detailed this below
but although this is in Add/Remove Sue as an entry I can't find it anywhere.
I got rid of its entries in the Win Installer Cleanup Utility but those are
as I understand it files or registry strings that could get in the way of
the MSI--not actual app files.

You're questions and this info should of course have been made clear at the

Have you installed BCM 2007 yet? No

I would also expect conflicts of this type with BCM 2003 and BCM 2007. Very
good point.
The 3 add-ins I have are disabled add-ins :


From the error message that pops up, I might have hoped that the
irisms32.dll might have helped eliminate them.

Sorry I didn't include more info, particularly at a time when a new Office
is in beta with about a 6-7 month RTM countdown. This problem is on my XP
boot. I uninstalled Office 2003 first going to the Windows Installer
Cleanup Utility to get rid of it's registry strings or .dlls that might be
in the way of a clean install--mainly because when Sloan Crayton and his
gang help with Office setup problems as the one that was wide-spread in MOS
03 SP1 (MSO Cache corruption? and other causes as I remember when Office
personnel were inviting people to send their logs to them) that it was a
habit of these people to use the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility when
uninstalling Office--so I picked up that habit from them. Then I
uninstalled Office 2003 with no problems. On my Vista boot they coexisted
fine (Office 2003 and Office 2007 and the install to part Office 2007 and
keep the old OS was easy. On Vista then, I didn't have Outlook 2007 because
of Outlook 2003 because I had forgotten that there is no way to have two
coexisting Outlook's (but I can't give you an intelligent answer as to why
that is under the hood (.pst folders won't coexist for one version of Office
and another on the same drive, folder, partition?--I'd like to know the
answer to that but you see it written every where). So I went to Add/Remove
and uninstalled Outlook 2003 and then reinstalled Outlook 2007 and it works
fine. Then for space I uninstalled Office 2003 altogether. These are on
separate drives, and on Vista Office 2007 is working fine.

1) I also wonder though if there is a problem with dual booting because I
had Office 2007 working well on this XP boot, and after returning to it from
Vista (which I do rarely although Vista nees a lot of work, SFC, System
Restore not making points--many features that should have been retained as
options from XP) I uninstalled Office 2007 on my XP boot because it started
giving me the error we are trying to fix now. But uninstalling and
reinstalling Office 2007 Plus (which does not come with BCM) didn't help. I
installed it without a hitch but again I have the error.

2) So... on my XP Pro SP2 boot, I had cleanly uninstalled Office 2003 and
reinstalled Office 2007. If you look at the Beta selection on the site,
they office a standalone Outlook 2007 with BCM and I'm not sure if BCM
comes with the selection for Office Profesional Plus Let's see: *** it looks like
that BCM doesn't come with the Plus Beta trial download Patricia. When I
read the link to your help with that error it seemed to target a BCM that
would not load correctly.

Also I wanted to tell you that the other components of Office 2007 Word,
ect. do work fine. It's only Outlook that has the problem. IAt first with
Word I got the problem that it wanted to install something from Scansoft
that has to do with Voice, so I closed Word and then reopened it and it
asked me if I wanted to exclude an add-in whose exact name I don't recall
(and I apologize for this) and I excluded it and Word opened without a
hitch. In Googling Scan Soft and 2007 I see references to the PDF converter
that I belive MSFT did an abrupt backdown from including 2 weeks ago after
Adobe threated to try to get an injnction to hault the release of Vista and
Office 2007.

Symantec btw has sued MSFT recently in Federal District Court rattling the
same sabre over Win One Care (which IMHO is much better CPU wise, real
estate wise and functionality wise with a decent backup and a firewall that
will be identical in the future to Vista's firewall with the MMC advanced
snap in).

3) I want to ask you this--I'm looking at Add/Remove and I did retain a
number of things I installed during the run of MOS 2003. I'll list them for
you. The reason I did this was because since I didn't know how the Beta of
2007 would work out, I didn't want to have to go back and install them all
over again if I had to unistall and give up on the Beta of 2007 and
reinstall Office 2003.

They are MSFT Office Resource Kit 2003, MSFT Office 2003XML Refrerence
Schemas, Office 11 Converter Pack,

They are Business Contact Manager O3--aha listed in Add Remove so when I
immediately tried to remove it--I thought it would have removed with the
Office 2003 Pro removal--it didn't--it says The Installation Source for this
Product is Not Available" and when I try the change button I get a box
"This option is only valid if the source is installed." I inserted the OL
2003 BCM CD and it did nothing to impact this. I still have the entry in
Add-Remove but I can't find evidence of BCM Outlook 2003 anywhere. I'd hate
to think that I had 274BM of folders I can't find just taking up space and
causing annoying boxes when I open Outlook.

I worry that this could interfere and also it's 274MB I don't want taking up
space. I l looked in every concievable Program Files/Office Folder, and I
don't see anything files or folders that has to do with BCM. Outlook 2003.
I'm not so sure about Office 12 though. As far as I know, BCM is not part
of OL 2007 looking at the interface.

I guess the bottom line is that although I haven't explored all of the major
everyday features of OL 2007 yet, and the hundreds I might need to learn,
Outlook 07 will work once I kill @#$%& boxes that come up all over the place
when I first open OL.

I have already uninstalled and reinstalled it twice on XP and that doesn't
seem to help.

Thanks very much. Your tireless great quality help and that of all the
regulars who help on these Outlook groups is much appreciated.


*** [I see the Office team got the neurosurgeons of web design to do their
site--nothing like pale yellow on white for easy retinal imaging--you'd
think with all the consultation the Office teams at Redmond do with Sue
Mosher or Patricia Cordoza and the Outlook MVPs they'd ask a question like
"Gee Sue--is it hard to see pale yellow on white--is there a better color
combo--we're MSFT and we have a few million web sites but we're just not
sure about Camouflage as the New feng shui and they have an architecht
named Lili Cheng and her whole team from MSFT Research working on
Vista--wonder what she thinks about pale yellow on white)?] I suppose this
is for the same reason that when MSFT Vista and XP and Office PMs make MSDN
blogs or MSN spaces as blogs then have pale yellow on white and white on
white so that you need to enlarge the page to see it in Vista at the lower
right and in XP by going to Accessability and taking the check out of
"ignore fonts on spec web pages" so you can use the mouse button to dial the
fonts up.


Sue Mosher said:
I don't see the path to disabled items in OL 2007.

Tools | Trust Center | Addins >> It's in the Manage drop-down list at the
bottom of the window.

Did you install Office 2007 over Office 2003 + BCM? Have you installed BCM
2007 yet? I would certainly expect problems with BCM 2003 and Outlook 2007.

You might want to check the microsoft.public.outlook.bcm for more details.
Since we don't see much BCM activity in this forum.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Chad Harris


The culprit for me was C:\Windows\System 32\IrisM32.dll which is directly
associated with BCM 2003.

1) I used to have BCM 2003 in Add/Remove and it wouldn't remove. Finally it
disappeared. I am not sure however if uninstalling Office 2003 had any
impact on this, because in order to get in Outlook 2007 of course, I had to
uninstall Outlook 2003 in the first place. I realized this when Outlook
2007 would not install so I selectively uninstalled OL 2003 and reinstalled
Outlook 2007 with no trouble.

I had uninstalled Office 2003 which I had in concomitantly with Office 2007
(for comparison purposes) after your message. When I went looking for BCM
2003's files, .dlls I couldn't find them in the Office folders, and I had
used the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility. When I installed the Office
2007 trial it does not contain BCM in its Office plus package, although they
do offer it as a Beta separately according to the listings of Beta 2007
installs from the Office site.

I posted some addiitional info in a folloup to you back in June,

Finally after being able to use Outlook but getting these IMAPI IRIS
catastropic failure boxes in my face about 16 at a time since I posted on
6/16 (I could kill them but any folder Inbox, ect. calendar--essentially
anything I tried to open in Outlook would bring them back in force.

The best analogy I can make is they reminded me very much of a spyware box
that keeps popping up and won't quit.

After many googles and reading many associations of this with anything from
Norton often to Quick Books, and several other 3rd party apps, I found an
association of this with C:\Windows\System 32\IrisM32.dll. After checking
the properties of this .dll , and seeing that it was associated with BCM
2003, (and since I had no need for that and you suggested that obviously BCM
any component 2003 was likely to cause problems with BCM 2007and setting a
restore point just in case, I deleted it and the problem vanished.

So for me Sue, nuking that .dll did the trick for what it's worth. I would
extend this premise that in my experience any component or remnant of BCM
2003 does not play well with Office 2007 because unless there are shared
..dlls that you or Patricia or others may know about with BCM 2007, the
Office Plus 2007 that MSFT is offering for Beta public use does not contain
BCM 2007. You have to download and install that separately from their Beta

Thanks for your help and patience.

Chad Harris

Sue Mosher said:
I don't see the path to disabled items in OL 2007.

Tools | Trust Center | Addins >> It's in the Manage drop-down list at the
bottom of the window.

Did you install Office 2007 over Office 2003 + BCM? Have you installed BCM
2007 yet? I would certainly expect problems with BCM 2003 and Outlook 2007.

You might want to check the microsoft.public.outlook.bcm for more details.
Since we don't see much BCM activity in this forum.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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