mailto: hyperlinks not working!!



I'm posting here because I have not been able to resolve this issue on my own.
I cannot use "mailto:" hyperlinks on any webpage, when I do I get the
following message:
"Cannot send mail. No mail program is set up to send mail using internet

I have read through others postings here concerning this issue and have
applied the same fixes as listed by the MVP's with no resolution.
Internet Explorer does state my default e-mail program as Outlook Express
and this is only after reading anothers post and applying the following fix
from the Run Command:
" "C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msimn.exe" /reg "

I have also applied the Service Pack 6 for Visual Basic 6.0 update and the
IEFix from with no change to my situation.
Before getting the "no mail program set up" popup it was opening numerous
blank web pages.
Can anyone help????

System Information:
Operating System: Windows98SE
Internet Explorer: 6.0.2800.1106IS
Outlook Express: 6.00.2800.1123
Please note that I'm not interested in newer versions of Windows nor do I
wish to use Outlook as I'm happy with Outlook Express and Windows98SE...

Jim - (e-mail address removed)(-nospamhere-)


I Found The Solution,
after posting this issue I wandered onto the following webpage:
and 3/4th's of the way down under the "Can't send page or link by email"
area I tried changing the URL:MailTo protocol under my "folder options" to:
which has taken care of my issue. So I'm back here to say Thanks and to let
others know that if they have the same issue as me to please go to your
folder options/file types/URL:MailTo protocol and to see if it is set up as
mentioned above, hope this helps others out there with this problem.
Take Care, Jim - (e-mail address removed)(-nospamhere-)

PA Bear

I Found The Solution,
after posting this issue I wandered onto the following webpage:
and 3/4th's of the way down under the "Can't send page or link by email"
area I tried changing the URL:MailTo protocol under my "folder options"
which has taken care of my issue. So I'm back here to say Thanks and to
let others know that if they have the same issue as me to please go to
your folder options/file types/URL:MailTo protocol and to see if it is
set up as mentioned above, hope this helps others out there with this
Take Care, Jim - (e-mail address removed)(-nospamhere-)

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