Macro Security Setting



When I attempt to use the File/Print command from the drop down menu in Word
I get the following error Message. "The Macro was not found or has been
disabled because of your Macro security settings" I recently installed Norton
Firewall and upgraded to Norton System Works 2005. On a recommendation from
Norton tech support, I disabled the Norton Anti Virus plug in for Microsoft
Office but this didn't help. Suggestions anyone?

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

On Sat, 13 Aug 2005 22:41:11 -0400, "Doug Knox MS-MVP"
In Word, go to Tools, Macro, Security and change the setting there.

Which assumes the macro that's patched into printing is an innocuous
one, and also that no other hostile macros get close enough to take a
shot. I'd more likely ask: Why should printing legitimately require
macros? Did this behavior begin after some change that could account
for it, such as installing a new printer? If not, I'd worry harder.

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Proverbs Unscrolled #37
"Build it and they will come and break it"

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