lost Previews in Windows Pictures and Fax Viewer



When I double click on a jpg file, the Windows Pictures and Fax Viewer says
"No Preview Available". The previews used to work. I recently moved these
photos to a new hard drive - perhaps that caused it?

I'd appreciate learning how to restore the preview ability. A solution that
can be applied to entire folder, rather than individual jpg files, would be
good since I have hundreds of jpg files and none of them have working



A bit more info: I tried some of the solutions in some Knowledge Base
articles and also tried a few experiments in the Properties of the folder;
nothing works. It seems I'm also getting Access Denied problems if I try to
move the jpg files.


I have never been an AOL or Compuserve user, so I didn't try the first
solution proposal (KB article). The second registry fix executed ok, but
didn't solve the problem.

Btw, when I got an email notification there was a reply to my post, the link
in the email kept giving me "site unavailable" messages. I eventually found
it again just by browsing (why isn't there a numbering system for the posts?).

thanks anyway.


wheat66 said:
I have never been an AOL or Compuserve user, so I didn't try the first
solution proposal (KB article). The second registry fix executed ok,
but didn't solve the problem.

Btw, when I got an email notification there was a reply to my post,
the link
in the email kept giving me "site unavailable" messages. I eventually
found it again just by browsing (why isn't there a numbering system
for the posts?).

thanks anyway.

I can't answer your tech question and will leave that to Wesley Vogel,
but the reason you are having a hard time finding your posts is because
you are using the web interface for these newsgroups. Since you are
using the web interface, you may not realize that this is Usenet. You
will get far more out of this resource if you learn to use a
newsreader. There are many good newsreaders for Windows, but you can
use Outlook Express since you already have it. Here are some links to
information about newsgroups to help you get the most out of Usenet:

http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page3.html#12-09-02 - a brief
explanation of newsgroups
- Set Up Newsreader


http://aumha.org/nntp.htm - list of MS newsgroups
microsoft.public.test.here - MS group to test if your newsreader is
working properly
http://www.mailmsg.com/SPAM_munging.htm - how to munge email address
http://www.blakjak.demon.co.uk/mul_crss.htm - multiposting vs.


Wesley Vogel

Try this:

Start | Run | Type: regsvr32 shimgvw.dll | OK

If that doesn't work, make sure Preview default is set correctly.

When you open an image file in Windows XP the default action is to preview
it using the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.

Value Name: (Default)
Value Type: REG_SZ
Value Data: {e84fda7c-1d6a-45f6-b725-cb260c236066}

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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