Lost photo files restorable..???


Paul Arey

Does anyone know how I might be able to restore some
pictures I deleted by mistake? This is what happeened: I
got a pop-up baloon saying I was running out of disc space
so I clicked on it and to free up some space on my hard
drive I deleted some junk I thought I didn't need but I
forgot I had stashed some photo files in a subfolder in
the WUtemp folder!(what is this by the way?)I relized soon
after when I went and put a few photos in the folder and I
had to remake the folder with the same name! Anyway I ran
system restore and got back the folder of the same name
but it was empty!!! Is there a way to retreave those lost
photos if they have not all been overwritten???? Anyones
help is really appreciated. Much thanks Paul


Try clicking on the Recycle Bin and see if you can locate
and recover the deleted files from there.


WUtemp (if I'm not mistaken) is a Windows Update temp
folder. I would not store data there. Use a different

When trying to recover pix from a compact flash card (1GB
microdrive), I used Photo Rescue and recovered some data.
(http://www.datarescue.com/photorescue/). I realized
though that if I always unload my pix and delete them
from the CF card that new pix are written to the same
spot on the card in my case (Canon Powershot G1). But if
you fill up your card once, reformat and use it again but
don't fill it up, you'll recover some pix. Essentially
like Norton Unerase (files may be recoverable if nothing
over-wrote the disk in that area). Good Luck.


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