lost dvd drive



I am running windows XP on a Acer Aspire 3630 laptop - one minute the dvd is
working the next is has disappeared - I can not find it in explore but it is
in the device manager - it is a Toshiba MK6034GAX and in the properties
window it says it is working properly. So why can I not use it. If I try to
use any software for the cd player it says cd drive not found. Is this a
driver issue, I have tried re-installing the driver but no change. Acer say
its a problem with the Registry and Mircosoft has a fix for it but I can not
find the fix anywhere. They also say I should do a full system restore but I
did this 4 weeks ago for another problem and lost everything on my C drive -
I don not want to have to reinstall everything again - can anyone help. Mike
(e-mail address removed)


dream5695 said:
I am running Windows XP on an Acer Aspire 3630 laptop. One minute the dvd is
working, the next it has disappeared. I can not find it in Explorer but it is
in the device manager. It is a Toshiba MK6034GAX and in the properties
window it says it is working properly. So why can I not use it? If I try to
use any software for the cd player it says cd drive not found. Is this a
driver issue? I have tried re-installing the driver but no change. Acer says
it's a problem with the Registry and Microsoft has a fix for it but I can not
find the fix anywhere. They also say I should do a full system restore but I
did this 4 weeks ago for another problem and lost everything on my C drive -
I do not want to have to reinstall everything again - can anyone help? Mike
(e-mail address removed)

CD repair for XP:

Also try the following. You should back up the registry before making

Click Start, Run, type Regedit, click OK.
Locate this Registry Key:
Key Name: {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Value Data: [Delete All Value Data from UpperFilters and LowerFilters]
Note: Do not delete the Key or the Multi-String Values. Delete only the
data values.
Exit Registry and Reboot

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