Lost CD Key?


T. Waters

Sorry. It just seemed so clear that he needs a key, not a disk.
Quote: "I have my original CD" "hard drive failure"
He made things a bit vague with the term "reinstall," as he must be
referring to a new hard drive already, but I guess it is "reinstall with
respect to the whole system."
Everyone jumped on the solution of getting the key from the hard drive,
which seemed a bit mad to me.
That is why the OP was appreciative of my terse, unambiguous response. It
told the whole (unfortunate) story.

T. Waters

His post implies that he had a Retail version, where the Key is on the jewel
case of the CD. Many folks separate their disks from the cases, and the case
can go missing, which apparently happened.


Its worth a try. If I recall I think I got a lost key from them by giving
them thr appropriate information.

Michael T


When I tried this I got the CD key - same as when I ran Keyfinder.

This DOES NOT match the XP Product key affixed to the side of my chassis.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Microsoft will also replace lost Product Keys, thus my link to Microsoft.
Everything in my post applies to Product Keys.

Michael T

Thanks. That makes perfect sense. I plead guilty to having done the same
thing with other products.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Have you reinstalled or is Windows XP still the original factory?
The key displayed from an original factory installation for many OEMs is the
image used for many computers.
That same key will probably not work for activation.
The key on the sticker is correct for reinstallation.

T. Waters

My Belarc report has a section called "Software Licenses."
The section has two separate keys for my XP. The Product Key in question is
in parentheses following the other key:

Belarc - Advisor ##-#-###
Microsoft - Internet Explorer #####-OEM-#######-##### (Key:
Microsoft - WebFldrs XP 12345-111-1111111-#####
Microsoft - Windows XP Home Edition #####-OEM-#######-##### (Key:

T. Waters

The only instance of the word "key" on that page"
Keywords: kbinfo KB326246

Please elaborate on this.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Then the difference you see is normal.
The key displayed by the tools is worthless for reinstallation.

T. Waters

No sure what I am missing:

. Replace lost, broken, damaged or defective Microsoft software disks.
. Purchase product upgrades.
. Replace broken or defective Microsoft hardware products.
. Check the status on support orders.
. Order downloadable service packs.
. Replace missing manuals.

Does one of these items imply a key? I have scoured the page.

Michael T

Mine has a note which states:

This may be the manufacturer's factory installed product key rather than

Sharon F

Is your copy of Xp registered? Have you called Microsoft?
Unfortunately, registering does not help for this problem. If a support
issue has been logged with MS in the past, they may be sympathetic and
supply a replacement CD (worked for a friend who lost their CD in a house

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

I understand what you are saying.
Never the less, that is the contact source to replace a Product Key.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Answered in my other post.

T. Waters said:
The only instance of the word "key" on that page"
Keywords: kbinfo KB326246

Please elaborate on this.

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