Looks like skins are on during playback..Why???



I've recently started using MM and I'm having a problem. I could bring in
digital video clips and put them together to make a movie, then I save
it to a
folder. But when I open the movie file and play the movie ( using
media player)
It looks like the skins are turned on, but they're not. There were no
effects used
when the movie was made either.
Why is this happening ? My other clips play fine in media player, so i'm
the problem is in MM.
If anyone has experienced this or knows anything about this, I would
appreciate some feedback....


OK, My Bad, I'm thinking of when you put an audio CD on in Media Player,
you know, you get the psychadelic looking stuff on the screen. This is the
same way... You can see the outine of the subject but it's all green and
orange and different colors. It's similar to having the THRESHOLD effect on
in MM, but it isn't on !!
Thanks for responding, I appreciate it, I 'm still no closer to an
answer. I've been trying tonight with no luck...... If you have any ideas,
that would be real helpful... THANKS, JEFF


Graham, Hi,
Thanks for the concern... Well, I think they are AVI files, but i'm
not 100% sure. The videos were taken with a Casio EXILEM camera. Like I say,
they will play fine in Media Player after downloading to the computer, but
when I try to put the clips together in MM it all goes bad. It would be real
nice if I could get it to work.
Appreciate the help


Once again thanks, Graham... Yeah, I know the feeling, I've run into some
"Busy-ness" lately too. Well I was trying to join 2 clips,one was 28 seconds
and the other about 10 seconds. Nothing major yet, I figured I should be able
to handle that. No such luck... I'll have to try joining larger clips and see
what happens.. I will also defintly read up in the manual and check that out
( or web-site). Then I'll go from there and try to convert, like you say..
Soon as I get some time now. Well, Thanks again, JEFF

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