long hour glass wait



This is actually an XP question because it is not unique to Access. Have
posted the same question at the XP forum but thought I would check here too
since I do alot of Access and it is possible someone has seen this.

I had a definite lightening strike. DSL modem was fried. The NIC card was
fried too. Replacement NIC went into XP fine - and all seems well.

However I now get very long hour glass waits for actions that generally are
a blink of any eye. i.e. press the save icon after a minor form design
running a relatively basic macro

These things now often sit and cook for 10 seconds where I know it was &
should be a second at most. As noted before - is not unique to Access....am
seeing same symptoms in other actions involving XP. Haven't started using
all feature of the full Office Suite but thought I would get this question
out there as definitely something is not normal....

Unfortunately am not super confident working in the behind the scenes
"systems" area of XP and so will welcome any advice on the proper way to deal
with this scenario....thanks....


did you tried a system restore? if you installed the same NIC card brand, you
may try a system restore, look fo a date previuos to the lightining-strike
date adn restore to that configuration date. If you to go [help] on Win XP,
there is a [using System Restore Wizard] that can help you.


thanks - this worked !! And even though I had installed a different brand
of NIC - I was prepared to reinstall that - - yet there seemed to be no
problem with this different NIC either - not sure why not but won't complain.

actually the hardest part was locating the System Restore Wizard....couldn't
find it in any of the control panel locations where I thought it would/should
be.....somehow found it via Dell's Help area.....

thanks again

Ricoy-Chicago said:
did you tried a system restore? if you installed the same NIC card brand, you
may try a system restore, look fo a date previuos to the lightining-strike
date adn restore to that configuration date. If you to go [help] on Win XP,
there is a [using System Restore Wizard] that can help you.

NetworkTrade said:
This is actually an XP question because it is not unique to Access. Have
posted the same question at the XP forum but thought I would check here too
since I do alot of Access and it is possible someone has seen this.

I had a definite lightening strike. DSL modem was fried. The NIC card was
fried too. Replacement NIC went into XP fine - and all seems well.

However I now get very long hour glass waits for actions that generally are
a blink of any eye. i.e. press the save icon after a minor form design
running a relatively basic macro

These things now often sit and cook for 10 seconds where I know it was &
should be a second at most. As noted before - is not unique to Access....am
seeing same symptoms in other actions involving XP. Haven't started using
all feature of the full Office Suite but thought I would get this question
out there as definitely something is not normal....

Unfortunately am not super confident working in the behind the scenes
"systems" area of XP and so will welcome any advice on the proper way to deal
with this scenario....thanks....

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