Loading Movie Maker - error message

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Keep getting an error message "Windows Movie Maker has encountered a problem
and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." when I try to open
Movie Maker. Have re-installed recently, but no joy. Same error message
appears when I try to open Real Player, but not Quick Time.
Can anyone help?
It was version 2.1, re-installed by downloading from Microsoft website.
Found out since posting my question and by reading through several
associated threads that others have had exactly the same problem.
It seems to be down to the version of Internet Explorer that's installed, ie
I have version 7, and it won't run with version 7. So since I have
uninstalled version 7, and automatically re-installed version 6. Now Movie
Maker works.
As others have stated, this seems an obvious error that Microsoft could fix
and save us all a lot of wasted time.
Since uninstalling I am now being automatically asked to update to IE
version 7 again, which I am declining.
Unfortunately (and this is a problem I can live with) Real Player still
doesn't open without crashing.
Many thanks for your response.
Thanks a lot for this post, I was having the exact same problem and it really
is rather bothersome.

So there's no way to get it to work with IE 7? I'd hate to have to
re-install IE6 just to make a movie.
Tried the link, and grateful to you for advising me of ot, but for some
reason Microsoft says it faila, and redirects to other possible sites.
Suppose not until Microsoft provide a fix. But then there are probably other
ways to make a movie - just that Movie Maker comes for free.
boysie said:
Tried the link, and grateful to you for advising me of ot, but for
some reason Microsoft says it faila, and redirects to other possible
The newsreader clipped the link Gord posted...
here's the full link:


Here's a TinyURL version


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
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what in the hells difference would having IE 7 installed make on windows
movie maker as it doesnt have anything to do with IE at all, it is a stand
alone application? however if this appears to eb the problem then i will have
to revert back to IE 6 tho i shouldnt have to do it, surely there is a fix ?
Peadar - You sound more frustrated than I was about this! I couldn't agree
more, and yes it's bizarre. What else might IE7 be preventing working and we
don't even know yet? Question is - how to make Micrsoft fix it? Interesting
they put a patch in to stop IE7 downloading automatically (see above)
Im just frustrated, from the day i got vista installed, and tried out windows
movie maker, it would work, sometimes even add short vid clips, then most of
the time, if i press play to preview a video or add vid or music tracks to
the timeline it locks up and i get that raging message "windows movie maker
has encountered a problem and has to close" and nothing i can do about it! it
seems like such an easy application to use and enjoyable, but why all the
hang ups microsoft..WHY LOL!
Peadar said:
Im just frustrated, from the day i got vista installed, and tried out
windows movie maker, it would work, sometimes even add short vid
clips, then most of the time, if i press play to preview a video or
add vid or music tracks to the timeline it locks up and i get that
raging message "windows movie maker has encountered a problem and has
to close" and nothing i can do about it! it seems like such an easy
application to use and enjoyable, but why all the hang ups
microsoft..WHY LOL!
If you are running Vista...uninstalling IE7 is not an option.

If your system is having problems with Movie Maker 6...
it may be worth a try to download and install Movie Maker 2.6.

Windows Movie Maker 2.6 for Vista
For Vista users who cannot run the
Vista version of Movie Maker


John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

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