loaded windows maximise and interrupt browsing



hi. I'm wondering if this can be stopped. I browse with multiple windows open
and flit from one to another. My problem is if i click a link in window#1,
then maximise window #2 to say read an article, i'll be halfway through a
sentence when the first window automatically maximises itself because it has
loaded. It is very annoying when you are researching or something and are
clicking links in a dozen diff. windows. Please help me!

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

dawnr2004 said:
hi. I'm wondering if this can be stopped. I browse with multiple
windows open and flit from one to another. My problem is if i click a
link in window#1, then maximise window #2 to say read an article,
i'll be halfway through a sentence when the first window
automatically maximises itself because it has loaded. It is very
annoying when you are researching or something and are clicking links
in a dozen diff. windows. Please help me!

Sometimes minimizing the other windows to the taskbar stops this from

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
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