Link Bars: Freeze at top



If we use Insert Web Compenent, Link Bars, can this be frozen at the top of
the screen and not move as the viewer scrolls?

We had wanted to use the iframe for our Navigation bar. However, since
iframes do not have a option for freezing their position at the top of the
screen, we were hoping that Link Bars might offer this freeze option.

Ultimately our objective is to have a navigation tool that remains at the
top of the screen in a manner similar to Excel's freeze panes.

Thanks, Cecil:)

Thomas A. Rowe

Try it, using the suggestions provided by Jim Buyens for the IFrame. If it
works great, if not, then you need to search the JavaScript resource site
for floating DHTML menu scripts and not use FP navigation.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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