Lavasoft Personal Firewall



I had this installed on my old computer, program said to install orig cd, I
did, then I transfered my files to new comp., then got the enter key code,
rec'd key code from lavasoft, program will not accept key code.

Then i remember when i purchased the program I downloaded it, so I copy the
program to a CD, then install it, then it worked but I could never get to the
main menu, I uninstalled -reinstalled geez 20 times or more, I went to
Lavasoft sent email re this, I posted on their forums, with alot of others
like me, they say its a demo disk and we did not get a true backup, anyway
what file on the old computer has this key code, It had to be somewhere if
when I installed it from the CD i copied and from the files copied from old
computer. I was happy with this product until I had to go thru all of this..
I now wonder if when I downloaded the program I was with AOL, now is this
key code file somewhere in AOL on the old computer, Could it be the old
computer was FAT32 and new one is NTSF I have a Compaq HP Presario, I thought
loging in to lavasoft with old AOL address would help, but I guess I made the
mistake of informing them of the new MSN address. I have faxed Element 5 who
you purchase the product from thru lavasofts website and told them about
this, the other users at the firewall forum get no answers, I can't believe
this co. would do this to their customers, because now we have to use another
firewall or purchase one. I thought this was a reputable company, but now, I
dunno. I just want my program to work.


tku for reply, I dl the mcafee free firewall with MSN, but I did like
Lavasofts, this is just a real bummer.

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