Latest nVidia Drivers with 6800?



We are finding that the latest nVidia beta drivers for Vista are not usable.
How do I get them completely uninstalled from the system, and the original
Microsoft video drivers re-installed? After removing the nVidia drivers,
upon rebooting you have what looks like original Microsoft drivers. But
you lose all of the mini applets from the right pane of the desktop and you
get messages that those are no longer working. In Device Manager, I don't
even see a category for display adapters!

I need to do a complete reset on the video driver install. Is there a clean
way to do it other than re-installing the whole OS?


Have you tried the Add Hardware applet in the Control Panel. It should
detect and install the signed drivers for the video card. Or from the device
manager, you can right click your PC name and try scan for new hardware. If
Windows loaded correct drivers at install it should detect your card and
reinstall drivers. I just noticed something trying this with the Add
hardware that is interesting *for this machine* so might suggest the device
manager option first.

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