Laptop won't get a speeding ticket-its slow



Hello Forum,

I have an HP Notebook with Windows XP. I get on the Internet to get my work
done and I notice that the speed on my (Status) says that its 56 or 54 Mbps,
thats fine. What I don't understand is why does it go down to as low as 5.5
or 2 Mbps and tell me that my signal strength is good when it eventually
shuts down the web and I have to retry again. It makes me wonder. I hope I
gave enough information.
Thank you for the assistance!!

Sincerely, Tim


Hi Tim,

This sounds like a Router Problem. Are you sure you are the only user of
your Router?

You may want to contact your Routers Manufacture.



Try to upgrade the Router firmware.

If you don't know how to do that, call up the tech support

Also check for any obstructions/cordless phones should not in hamper signal

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