Laptop screen is black all the time




Can anyone help me troubleshoot this issue?

Symptoms: Laptop screen is completely black - doesn't display anything
on reboot, not even any bios info. Hard-drive light still flickers,
and is *sounds* like it is booting correctly, but the screen never
displays anything at all.

Laptop Model: Acer Aspire 5002, Turion 64bit, 1GB Ram, Windows XP Pro

So far, I've tried hooking it up to an external monitor - same problem.
The external monitor remains blank. Tried toggling the key that
switches between standard and external monitor several times, with no

The screen is completely black - not dim, but blank.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



Can anyone help me troubleshoot this issue?

Symptoms: Laptop screen is completely black - doesn't display anything
on reboot, not even any bios info. Hard-drive light still flickers,
and is *sounds* like it is booting correctly, but the screen never
displays anything at all.

Laptop Model: Acer Aspire 5002, Turion 64bit, 1GB Ram, Windows XP Pro

So far, I've tried hooking it up to an external monitor - same problem.
The external monitor remains blank. Tried toggling the key that
switches between standard and external monitor several times, with no

The screen is completely black - not dim, but blank.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Sounds like your video card has failed, take it to a reputable Acer
repair service, it may be that you will require a new motherboard as
the video is usually built into the laptop MB.



Can anyone help me troubleshoot this issue?

Symptoms: Laptop screen is completely black - doesn't display anything
on reboot, not even any bios info. Hard-drive light still flickers,
and is *sounds* like it is booting correctly, but the screen never
displays anything at all.

Laptop Model: Acer Aspire 5002, Turion 64bit, 1GB Ram, Windows XP Pro

So far, I've tried hooking it up to an external monitor - same problem.
The external monitor remains blank. Tried toggling the key that
switches between standard and external monitor several times, with no

The screen is completely black - not dim, but blank.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Take it back to the retailer that sold you that crap laptop and get it fixed
under warranty.

WGA is the best thing that has happened for Linux in a while.

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It could be software or an update installed that has altered the bios, sounds
odd but its suprising how many times just popping out the bios battery for 45
mins has saved me for this problem!

Failing that, it sounds like (others have said) a failed GPU chip, if its
under warrenty, always take it back in - I advise that to everyone and I used
to repair laptops for a living.

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