Laplink Gold 12 does not start



I just installed version 613. When I start Laplink with
the beta running, Laplink will not start. When I turn off
the beta, Laplink starts as it should. Is there a way to
tell the AntiSpyware to let Laplink start?

This also happened in the previous version and I have
deleted and reinstalled the Spyware 3 times.


Bill Sanderson

I think we may be seeing a genuine application incompatibility here. This
isn't an easy topic to Google on, and I don't have a clear recollection from
other posts here.

In this group, there's one other message, from early May, with this same
issue. I'm not getting any search results from "laplink" in the other

So--thanks for the reports. If you want, you could see whether disabling
any of the checkpoints fixes this issue--if it is the fault of a given
checkpoint then you could run without that checkpoint, but with the rest of
real-time protection in effect.

You could also test whether disabling all real-time protection fixes the
issue--to do this, follow the "workaround" paragraph in this KB article: End users may be prompted to allow or
block administrative actions that originate from a central management tool
after they install Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) on a computer that is managed
by Systems Management Server 2003

But, ultimately, you'll need to decide whether you can live with the issues
involved, or need to forgo using beta1, and test again when beta2 is

I hope those seeing this issue will test again when beta2 is available and
let us know early if there's still an issue.


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