KERNEL32 issue

  • Thread starter Thread starter H S
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Win XP Pro - fully updated on a P-III laptop, freshly
installed everything. This laptop had Win ME on it
before I restarted everytning. I am getting this error
when I launch Photoshop CS, or Illustrator v10 or Painter
7. It says, "The procedure entry point UnMapSLFixArray
could not be located in the Dynamic Link Library
KERNEL32.DLL." Clicking OK dismisses it and the three
progs seem to work OK. So I take that to mean my
KERNEL32.dll is out of whack because all three progs give
the error. If it was only one prog, OK, I can deal with
that. But, of course, this error worries me - in the
future is this going to come back to bite me if I don't
address it now. After an exhaustive search on Google,
and a few other spots, I can find no reference to this
call/plug-in/whatever in the Adobe forums. They
suggested an OS reinstall. I did - same thing happens.
A search of the KB for "UnMapSLFixArray" yields this one
scid=fh;EN-US;winxp&Product=winxp which doesn't pin any
of this down.

So do any of the experts here know what UnMapSLFixArray
is and how do I have the system "locate" it in
KERNEL32.dll or am I just stuck with this? I thought of
trying to back up to a previous version of KERNEL32.dll
but I think that's doomed - not a wise approach. I
disabled all startup apps (using MSCONFIG) - same result.

What do I do next?

Thanks to the group.

Errors of this type occur when the the first file is looking for code inside
of the
other file that does not exist, usually because the second file is older
than the

For example a Service Pack may have updates for 2 files, Winlogon.exe and

There is new code in the file Advapi32.dll (for this example we will use
"LsaOpenPolicySce" as the new code) and Winlogon "calls" that code at logon
uses it to perform a task.

If for some reason only Winlogon.exe gets updated to the Service Pack 2
version and
Advapi32.dll remains Service Pack 1 version. You will then get an error
Winlogon is making calls to ADVAPI32.dll that do not exist in the older
version of
thie file.


The Procedure entry point LsaOpenPolicySce could not be located in the
link library ADVAPI32.dll

The resolution for these types of issues is to match the files with the
versions. In this particular example both files need to be Service Pack 2
to function properly.

The Dependancy Walker tool (Depends.exe) can show you what "calls" or
are contained within a file.

Buz Brodin
MCSE NT4 / Win2K
Microsoft Enterprise Domain Support

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This is one of the best answers I've ever seen! Thanks Buz, you've given me
something to go on.
I also found this:;EN-US;142606 which pretty
much mirrors what you've said. the only question I had was that the article
was pointed at W2K and I didn't know how it would translate into an XP
environment. I know it's unreasonable to expect MS to update every single
little reference in every single web. That's where experience pays off.

I'll try to post back if I have some success (or otherwise). I had to let
the machine go with my son for his graphix classes this week.

H S said:
Win XP Pro - fully updated on a P-III laptop, freshly
installed everything. This laptop had Win ME on it
before I restarted everytning. I am getting this error
when I launch Photoshop CS, or Illustrator v10 or Painter
7. It says, "The procedure entry point UnMapSLFixArray
could not be located in the Dynamic Link Library
KERNEL32.DLL." Clicking OK dismisses it and the three
progs seem to work OK. So I take that to mean my

UnMapSLFixArray is a function that only lives in the Windows 95/98/Me
version of Kernel32.dll. Did you completely reinstall everything, or
just install over the top of the old installation?

It sounds like parts of the applications might think they are running
on Windows ME. If you just installed over the top, the original
install on ME might be leaving stuff behind. If you completely wiped
the machine and installed fresh, then something else might is wrong.

Are you installing a Windows 9x/Me version of the software? Some apps
have different downloads/installs for Windows 9x/Me vs. Windows
NT/2K/XP. You might try checking to see if there is an XP version.

Here is a URL somewhat related to your problem...;en-us;195310

- Steve
Yes. That's what I did - installed over the old ME. And, see, I could not
find that article tho I searched for a long time. Just didn't input the
right series of characeters. I guess what this means is that I have to back
up the entire drive, wipe it clean of all bad karma, reformat, and reinstall
everything. Would you agree with that strategy? I was hoping maybe there's
a utility out there to remove the ME component(s). This particular KB
doesn't give you nice "workarounds" for this. Right?

Both answers here are a tribute to both of you and your combined
professionalism. Thanks.

HOIB said:
Yes. That's what I did - installed over the old ME. And, see, I could not
find that article tho I searched for a long time. Just didn't input the
right series of characeters. I guess what this means is that I have to back
up the entire drive, wipe it clean of all bad karma, reformat, and reinstall
everything. Would you agree with that strategy? I was hoping maybe there's
a utility out there to remove the ME component(s). This particular KB
doesn't give you nice "workarounds" for this. Right?

Both answers here are a tribute to both of you and your combined
professionalism. Thanks.

My advice would be to wipe the machine of Windows and all programs,
then start over. You don't necessarily have to reformat the drive,
but that might be a good idea if you can backup all your data or move
it to another drive. It will ensure you are truly getting a clean
install of XP.

Upgrading from Windows 95/98/ME to Windows 2K/XP is always problematic
in my opinion. You are moving between two totally different operating
systems, even though they look a lot a like in appearance. Microsoft
has done a decent job upgrading the OS itself, but there is no way
they can make sure all apps happily move over as well. In this case,
your apps have probably set registry keys and installed certain
components for use on Windows ME.

You might get away with just uninstalling the apps having problems and
then reinstalling them so they see that they are on XP now. I suppose
you should try that first. Personally, I would just reinstall
everything so you know you have a clean XP machine without old Windows
ME garbage lying around.

- Steve
I had this problem and did some detective work to finally solve it. Th
problem was, as mentioned earlier, the fact that some software bein
invoked by Photoshop or other similar tools still thought it was o
Win98 (or ME) even when the system was updated to Win2K or XP. In m
case I found the offending DLL was <your O
directory>/system32/wintab32.dll. Wintab32 supports graphics tablets
Updating Photoshop or other tools that use graphics tablets did no
solve the problem.

So my simple solution was to remove or rename ../system32/wintab32.dll
Photoshop and the other tools now start up without a murmur. I suspec
that if you use graphics tablets you may have to reinstall the softwar
support on your updated OS
