Keeping Outlook Rules ON all the time.



I have a rule set up for my IMAP users to make a copy of sent items onto
the sent items folder in their IMAP account (this is a separate sent items
folder from the default users sent items folder which I know can be
controlled by a config setting and which I have turned off because I want all
sent email to go to the IMAP sent items folder only). Occasionally, the
Outlook rules function will encounter an error and Outlook will automatically
turn that rule off (unchecked). I can manually turn it back on; but for my
50+ users who will not notice that the rule has stopped, they may lose a
number of sent email before they realize that their sent email is not saved
onto their IMAP sent items folder. Is there a way to either stop Outlook
from automatically turning off a rule in this scenario? Or, is their a
startup switch that can automatically turn on rules regardless of whether it
is on or off? We are on Outlook XP. Thanks.

Brian Tillman

chaos said:
I have a rule set up for my IMAP users to make a copy of sent items
the sent items folder in their IMAP account (this is a separate sent
items folder from the default users sent items folder which I know
can be controlled by a config setting and which I have turned off
because I want all sent email to go to the IMAP sent items folder
only). Occasionally, the Outlook rules function will encounter an
error and Outlook will automatically turn that rule off (unchecked).
I can manually turn it back on; but for my 50+ users who will not
notice that the rule has stopped, they may lose a number of sent
email before they realize that their sent email is not saved onto
their IMAP sent items folder. Is there a way to either stop Outlook
from automatically turning off a rule in this scenario? Or, is their
a startup switch that can automatically turn on rules regardless of
whether it is on or off? We are on Outlook XP. Thanks.

IMAP in Outlook is not, in my opinion, well-handled, and I've seen Outlook
have issues with frequent timeouts when connected to some IMAP servers. I
can imagine that if Outlook loses connection tot he IMAP server for a bit
that it would disable rules for that account. Try increasing the server
timeout value on the Advances tab of the account properties page. If you
can, check the IMAP server logs and see if it noticed any problems in
communication. You can also enable Outlook's logs to see if it reports any


thanks...but. The main issue I am having even when IMAP is not involved is
that Outlook Rules get turned off whenever there is an error during
processing of the rule. So the main question is, is there a way to prevent
Outlook from turning off a rule whenever it encounters an error? OR, is
there a switch during activation of the Outlook.exe command that would turn
all Rules on regardless of whether it is currently on or off? I know there
are switches embedded in the Outlook.exe command like the ability to open
outlook in folders other than the standard "Outlook Today", "Inbox",
"Calendar", or "Contacts". So perhaps there is a switch to turn all Rules
on? Thanks.

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