Kaspersky Support


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
My other thread about forced uninstalling relates to a problem that developed with my Kaspersky Internet Security 2016 from Barclays Bank. It had been fine in the three months that I had used it but simply stopped working.

I emailed Kaspersky Support and in less than 48hours had a reply. They suggested that I download a small programme from them that would check compatibilities between my PC and their system and it was this that found the programmes that I could not uninstall. After forced uninstalling they suggested that I remove the present Kaspersky set up and reinstall a fresh copy. Both of these involved no more than clicking on a link and hey presto, back to normal. Well, almost. I did have to contact Barclays to get an activation code but that was easy.

I must say that the speed and efficiency of the support was excellent as was the clarity of their instructions in the emails I received from them.

Nice to be able to report on something that works well. :)

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