JEPG tags properties




I don't know if it's the good subject for my question. if not please tell me
where could I post it.

I would like to add some comments in a jpeg file with a automatic program
(php, .exe, batch, ...) and I would like these comments be visible in the
comments section in the properties window of the image, in window explorer.

I achieve to add comments with PHP in Exif, IPTC, XMP sections of the image.
The problem is that these comments are not available in properties window.

I tryied to add a comment in window and to find wich Exif tag it is, but I
didn't find.

So if someone have an idea to do that ...

thanks a lot



samuel escreveu:

I don't know if it's the good subject for my question. if not please tell me
where could I post it.

I would like to add some comments in a jpeg file with a automatic program
(php, .exe, batch, ...) and I would like these comments be visible in the
comments section in the properties window of the image, in window explorer.

I achieve to add comments with PHP in Exif, IPTC, XMP sections of the image.
The problem is that these comments are not available in properties window.

I tryied to add a comment in window and to find wich Exif tag it is, but I
didn't find.

So if someone have an idea to do that ...

thanks a lot


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