JavaScript web links




I've got to get performance stats for a website. The links within the web
site aren't normal URLs but JavaScript links, e.g.

<A HREF="javascript: if (document.Main.ParentID &&
document.Main.ParentName ) { document.Main.ParentID.value='';
document.Main.ParentName.value=''; } if (document.Main.fCatalogID &&
document.Main.fCatalogName ) {document.Main.fCatalogID.value='';
document.Main.fCatalogName.value='';}SetPageToShow('Catalog Page');"
TITLE="Click here">An example link</A>

When I'm recording a test using the ACT tool, it brings up the web site and
when I click on the link nothing happens; ACT doesn't appear capable of
following the link.

However, if I'm just looking at the site without recording then it works

Are there any settings that I need to configure that will enable the ACT to
follow JavaScript links?



PS - originally posted to 'microsoft.public.vsnet.act' on 26th May 2004 (no

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