Issues with Outlook 2007 and saving attachments to a network location



Hi :) My organisation have just upgraded a pilot group to Office
2007 Overall it is great, but our system administrator is having
problems with Outlook.

We are using Biztalk server 2006 and XP with SP2.

The following happens when trying to save atachments to the network
file share where the Biztalk services run.

(1) Outlook does not remember the last save location and goes back to
the last local default. This is not a problem when saving locally.

(2) He intermittently gets the message "Cannot save the attachment.
Cannot find the file. Verify that the filepath is correct". The file
does save, but with the .tmp extension and a randomly generated
computer file name. This causes issues with our database which relys
on correct file names.

These are repetative tasks, so are causing a major headache. If
anyone has any ideas, I am all ears!


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Get a clue - stop using that useless Braindead Cafe for posting.

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Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

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After furious head scratching, Melissa asked:

| I support a non-profit who recently upgraded to outlook 2007. They
| are experiencing this same problem. I am drawing a blank on a
| solution for this issue, and the internet is not providing any
| solutions for me. If anyone knows how to fix this issue, please
| contact me. Thanks,
| EggHeadCafe - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

Diane Poremsky

We're drawing a blank too... which isn't hard when there is absolutely
nothing in this post that gives a clue as to what exactly is the problem
they are experiencing.

in message news:[email protected]...

Melissa Haworth

I thought I had replied to a previous users question...which was regarding outlook and saving an attachment from outlook (no exchange) to a mapped network drive. Each time we attempt to save the attachment and navigate to the mapped drive we recieve the following error:
"Cannot save the attachment. Cannot find the file. Verify that the filepath is correct".
Any thoughts, ideas or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

EggHeadCafe - .NET Developer Portal of Choice

Brian Tillman

Melissa Haworth said:
I thought I had replied to a previous users question...which was
regarding outlook and saving an attachment from outlook (no exchange)
to a mapped network drive.

The problem is that while you thougth you were replying, you didn't aquote
any of the context of the prior message, so we have no idea what the message
was. Stupidhead Cafe posts replies as new threads, so if you intend to use
is, ALWAYS include full details.

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