issues with office 2003 while saving



Hello there...
| We have some issues with Office, mostly with Excel & Powerpoint, it crashes
| sometimes in any file while Saving as..., 'Excel have an unexpected error
| it must be closed', Recovery checkbox appears.
| After restarting the application it opens the recovered document but... it
| cant be saved, same error.
| We install first Office 2003 SP2 and later we upgrade WinXP to SP2, because
| after that we experience these issues.
| Any suggestion?...
| Thanks in advance, regards!

Allen Browne

Ricknot, this group discusses Microsoft Access, the desktop database, so I
can't really comment on issues in Excel or Powerpoint.

In general Office 2003 is a very stable product. If you are frequently
getting errors across multiple products, with different files and file
types, the cause of the problem is not Office itself.

Some things you could try:
- Run chkdsk on your hard disk.

- Try saving the document to the local hard drive is you are using a network

- Unload all other software that is running, e.g. screensaver, anti-virus,
email client.

- Re-install Office.

- Start your computer in safe mode. If this solves the issue, the problem
could be malware, bad drivers, or corrupted Windows installation.

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