Is Vista worth the trouble ?



Frank said:
You have no idea what you're talking about do you? You're just an
ignorant troll. A real loser hiding out in spain. A mexican escapee from
a mental institution. A lying linux troll. A bigoted atheist.
IOW's a real loser.

So what does Frank do? Exactly what I said he would. You're my puppet,



philo said:
My general feeling is that most of the Vista problems have been with
"upgraded" machines rather than the ones that come with Vista

Lots of links explaining to people how to get rid of pre-installed Vista.

Vista is an OK OS, when it is working properly, but it ain't nothing to
get all wet over.

Even with SP1, I can extract a file from a multi-file RAR archive faster
with 7zip, than Vista SP1 can copy that extracted file to another folder.

That's just so effin' wrong, and demonstrates that it ain't marginal
hardware and/or bad drivers that makes Vista's Explorer such a slug.

Former Self-anointed Moderator
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"


Mike Hall - MVP said:
Your time here would be better spent outlining problems you actually

You asked, here we go.

Disk copies, so pathetically slow, but SP1 did fix this one for the most

Network copy in using pscp.exe was pathetically slow, but SP1 did fix
something here as it is now par with XP on a older system.

Clean boot memory utilization was 24% of 8GB!! Fat. After SP1 this went
down to 18%.

That is the good parts of SP1.

Generally disappointing performance none the less given the amount of
hardware it has is still an issue.

Virtual PC 2007, broken. It might load XP, but nothing else worked. I
would use my VMWare Workstation 5.5 license, but known not to work well with
Vista. Tried VirtualBox, loaded the OSes just great but networking is
biffed. Loaded WMWare Workstation 6.x and it does work but isn't any faster
than the old XP system, in fact slower. Yet the new system has a faster
processors, 4 instead of 2, more than double the RAM and 2 1/2 years newer.

Newer video card, GeForce 8500 GT. I sure wouldn't even consider using the
onboard UMA X3100...that would cruel. The weakest component in the system
according to Windows at 4.5 With everything else between 5.2 and 5.9.

Can't get Samba file sharing going no how. secpol.msc is missing as are a
host of other things, but I (thought) I knew the registry hacks. So the
stupid system has no way off accessing 2TB of disk on my home network other
than secure shell copy. Really PITA to copy stuff in then use it. Ya, I
know SMB/CIFS is insecure NT 4.0 style, but I am on a protected network.

Windows Explorer is goofy. I am sure there is a way to tailor it, just
haven't wasted enough time doing it. Which is the feeling I get with most
of Vista when trying to use it.

Trying to get a OEM Vista to dual boot, I only ask can it be done? diskpart
is easy, it is the boot track...(MBR)

So what is good about Vista?

The software that seems to have installed and runs without issues are
OpenOffice, HP Solutions (printer), PuTTy, Firefox. Wireshark.
Mail (aka Outlook Express) - still has the IMAP server bugs in it but out of
the box it is filtering spam my gateway misses, nice touch.
Glass/aero - aside from the confusing arrangement of where stuff in in the
menu, I like it's appearance. Gadgets, nice toys.

What can I do with Vista that I can't do with XP?

The only item here is 64 bit memory. You cannot buy XP 64 as a mere mortal


It is sort of like going to party and no one else shows. My wife even will
not use it. Not sure why either. With a 22" wide screen the attached
pictures are easier...go figure. In-laws hate it. My boss hates it. My
peers pillage a XP copy to get away from it. There is a frustration factor
in Vista, I can't quite describe. But with the XP transition, I was able to
work the issues much faster.

IPsec in XP was broken, while I haven't tried Vista, I would bet it is too.

So is Vista worth the effort? Not if you can avoid it. Sort of like
WinMe...if you never saw it you would not miss it.


kurttrail said:

Went to tiger, wanted $69 to ship it to Canada, Canadian web site wasn't
giving us part. Local place I deal with said they couldn't get it, sold
only with new PCs... arg...PC manufactured said the same... can get drivers
for everything too.

So I checked around to some stores I don't frequent, one local one has them
and the price isn't a huge premium $10...thanks....I smell one Vista

Jeffrey Kaplan

Previously on, Paul Cartier
I have a licensed version of Vista "Ultimate" edition which is causing
me more frustration than I have had since the first Windows version and
Millenium edition.
There are so many basic things which simply do not work - and which
worked perfectly well in Windows XP and even Windows 2000 !

My question is: Is this a clean install on new hardware/reformatted
system or did you upgrade a prior version of Windows in place? So far
as I can tell, and my geek coworkers agree, most of the early
complaints and problems resulted from upgrades-in-place rather than new

My other question is: Does your system actually exceed the claimed
minimum requirements for Vista?

I got a Vista system last autumn because I needed one for work
purposes. Work paid for me to get a budget-priced laptop. It came
with Vista Home Premium, an Athlon X2 1.8GHtz chip, 1G of RAM, WLAN,
and GeForce Go video using "shared" RAM. About a week after it
arrived, I added another gig of RAM (and maxing out the memory
capabilities). The only problems I've had with it were situated
between the keyboard and chair while I got used to it.

A month ago, work sent out a memo "advising" those of us who use
laptops to access work to enable disk encryption on at least the
folders that contain work data. Since Home Premium does not include
disk encryption, work paid for me to get an upgrade to Ultimate. And
the laptop actually performs +better+ with Ultimate than with Home
Premium. EFS causes the boot time to increase by about 45 seconds, on
average, and shut down is maybe 15 seconds longer than before.

Note, though, that while I do have graphics editing and media playing
apps installed, it is NOT generally used for such activities. It's not
a powerhouse system and I do not try to use it as such. I even like
the Aero Glass UI, mostly. I'm happy with Vista.

My parents, on the other hand, recently bought a new desktop system
that is studlier than my laptop, also with Home Premium. I don't know
what my step-mother did to it, but they're hating Vista, claiming that
they're having more problems with it than with the system it replaced
before the hardware on the old system (XP Pro) died. My best guess is
that they installed some really old software they've been using since
Win95 days and it borked something in the Registry.

Jeffrey Kaplan
The from userid is killfiled Send personal mail to gordol

"If I am ever the Hero top 100 list: #84. I almost certainly have an
Evil Twin running around somewhere, if not by birth then as a creation
of the Evil Overlord. I will keep an eye out for him, and plan

Mike Hall - MVP

on the Bridge said:
if he didnt want issues he should have asked here and I would have told
him to stay away from vista in the first place

using vista is like gambling unless you get it with a new pc that has
warrantee, then the responsibility for the machine goes to the OEM

Bob said:
on the Bridge said:
if its not already working, what does he has to lose? LOL

"may cause additional issues"

I say he should try it, of course if he has any important data he should
backup the data first (as always)

Do not install SP1 if your PC is not operating properly. SP1 was not
designed to solve existing problems and may cause additional issues.

If you post specific problems and error messages you can probably get
some help.

Paul Cartier;658481 Wrote:
I have a licensed version of Vista "Ultimate" edition which is
me more frustration than I have had since the first Windows version
Millenium edition.
There are so many basic things which simply do not work - and which
worked perfectly well in Windows XP and even Windows 2000 !

Before I waste time ploughing through newsgroups and effecting dark
registry hacks to solve all these (often almost trivial) issues:
The reason I ask is that I have heard one or 2 (but not enough to be
sure!!) mutterings that Microsoft are going to let Vista die a "quiet
death" and concentrate on the next major version !!

Can anyone enlighten me one way or another ?

P. Cartier


My .02

I think Vista is a great OS. It is a demanding OS, in that it needs
excellent hardware to run on, but has performed well for me. I know
several other people who also have had a positive experience with

Vista will be around for years, I also follow the development
information on Windows 7, which is supposed to be the next evolution
the Microsoft OS. But it is years away.

If your hardware is up to the task (not just minimum requirements),
then Vista should work well for you. SP1 was just released and fixed
many issues, improved others and through the middle of next month, if
you have any trouble with SP1, Microsoft will give you free tech

If your hardware has the right specs, then Vista would be the OS of
choice right now.



I didn't buy my PC with Vista pre-installed, and mine has worked well since
the release of RTM to the technical community. Hobbyists will not have to
buy OEM packages either. Many of the OEM packages, especially the cheaper
ones, are crap anyway and always have been, regardless of OS..

Mike Hall - MVP
How to construct a good post..
How to use the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups..
Mike's Window - My Blog..

On The Mental Bridge

Alias said:
How come you're not in church, Frank? After all, this is Easter Sunday.
Are you an atheist after all?


Because he doesn't want to come across a Sheep F__KER like yourself and On
the Bridge.

On The Mental Bridge

On the Bridge! said:
frank is a big fat easter bunny that is sucking the easter egg... lol

From what the news reports say, "On the Bridge" was caught with the easter
bunny in a bunk along with 2 sheep and 3 fowl! Sick. Sick. Sick.

On The Mental Bridge

on the Bridge said:
I think frank cannot go to the churge because of health problems..

give em a break
Did your psychiatrist tell you what to say? Just FYI

On The Mental Bridge

on the Bridge said:
if he didnt want issues he should have asked here and I would have told
him to stay away from vista in the first place

Why would anyone want to listen to a retard like you? All you know is how
to bash everything. Go back to your farm animals.
using vista is like gambling unless you get it with a new pc that has
warrantee, then the responsibility for the machine goes to the OEM

Using On The Bridge is like gambling. Stay away. Far away

Bob said:
on the Bridge said:
if its not already working, what does he has to lose? LOL

"may cause additional issues"

I say he should try it, of course if he has any important data he should
backup the data first (as always)

Do not install SP1 if your PC is not operating properly. SP1 was not
designed to solve existing problems and may cause additional issues.

If you post specific problems and error messages you can probably get
some help.

Paul Cartier;658481 Wrote:
I have a licensed version of Vista "Ultimate" edition which is
me more frustration than I have had since the first Windows version
Millenium edition.
There are so many basic things which simply do not work - and which
worked perfectly well in Windows XP and even Windows 2000 !

Before I waste time ploughing through newsgroups and effecting dark
registry hacks to solve all these (often almost trivial) issues:
The reason I ask is that I have heard one or 2 (but not enough to be
sure!!) mutterings that Microsoft are going to let Vista die a "quiet
death" and concentrate on the next major version !!

Can anyone enlighten me one way or another ?

P. Cartier


My .02

I think Vista is a great OS. It is a demanding OS, in that it needs
excellent hardware to run on, but has performed well for me. I know
several other people who also have had a positive experience with

Vista will be around for years, I also follow the development
information on Windows 7, which is supposed to be the next evolution
the Microsoft OS. But it is years away.

If your hardware is up to the task (not just minimum requirements),
then Vista should work well for you. SP1 was just released and fixed
many issues, improved others and through the middle of next month, if
you have any trouble with SP1, Microsoft will give you free tech

If your hardware has the right specs, then Vista would be the OS of
choice right now.



Mike Hall - MVP

on the Bridge said:
er.. you are an MVP... ???

theoretically you know more than the average joe about vista

I suspect you did the vista upgrade adviser before you took the plunge, am
I correct?

Well thats something most people dont know about. (not that its good.. but

I did not mean to say buy an OEM package.. I mean buy a computer with
vista preinstalled, the computer with warrantee, so the user can get help
from the place he/she bought it from

Mike Hall - MVP said:
on the Bridge said:
if he didnt want issues he should have asked here and I would have told
him to stay away from vista in the first place

using vista is like gambling unless you get it with a new pc that has
warrantee, then the responsibility for the machine goes to the OEM

if its not already working, what does he has to lose? LOL

"may cause additional issues"

I say he should try it, of course if he has any important data he
should backup the data first (as always)

Do not install SP1 if your PC is not operating properly. SP1 was not
designed to solve existing problems and may cause additional issues.

If you post specific problems and error messages you can probably get
some help.

Paul Cartier;658481 Wrote:
I have a licensed version of Vista "Ultimate" edition which is
me more frustration than I have had since the first Windows version
Millenium edition.
There are so many basic things which simply do not work - and which
worked perfectly well in Windows XP and even Windows 2000 !

Before I waste time ploughing through newsgroups and effecting dark
registry hacks to solve all these (often almost trivial) issues:
The reason I ask is that I have heard one or 2 (but not enough to
sure!!) mutterings that Microsoft are going to let Vista die a
death" and concentrate on the next major version !!

Can anyone enlighten me one way or another ?

P. Cartier


My .02

I think Vista is a great OS. It is a demanding OS, in that it needs
excellent hardware to run on, but has performed well for me. I know
several other people who also have had a positive experience with

Vista will be around for years, I also follow the development
information on Windows 7, which is supposed to be the next evolution
the Microsoft OS. But it is years away.

If your hardware is up to the task (not just minimum requirements),
then Vista should work well for you. SP1 was just released and fixed
many issues, improved others and through the middle of next month,
you have any trouble with SP1, Microsoft will give you free tech

If your hardware has the right specs, then Vista would be the OS of
choice right now.



I didn't buy my PC with Vista pre-installed, and mine has worked well
since the release of RTM to the technical community. Hobbyists will not
have to buy OEM packages either. Many of the OEM packages, especially the
cheaper ones, are crap anyway and always have been, regardless of OS..

Mike Hall - MVP
How to construct a good post..
How to use the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups..
Mike's Window - My Blog..

Yes, I know more about computers than average Joe, BUT..

... topics I am not so sure about, I ask first. It is not beyond anybody to
do that.

Anybody looking to see what Vista was about before it was released would
have found out about the Vista Upgrade Advisor.

The problems of upgrading an OS with incompatible drivers and peripheral
hardware devices attached applied to virtually all version of Windows.

Upgrading a failing OS in the hope that the upgrade will knock out the
problems has always led to more problems.

Strange how some people with problems as per above manage to find out how to
create multiple Yahoo IDs to harass others in chat, learn how to use
alternative Yahoo chat clients for the same purposes.

People learn easily enough when they want to learn..

Mike Hall - MVP
How to construct a good post..
How to use the Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups..
Mike's Window - My Blog..

Roy Ballew

I like it myself and would recommend it highly.

If you have a newer computer with the latter components then you won't have

If you have an older computer then I'd wait until you decide to upgrade.

I build my own computers so I know what to do and what Vista does also..

I see lots of idiots on this site posting having no clue as to what Vista
is, which makes new users uneasy.

In case you have older software, just right click .. Properties.. and select
Compat modes as needed.

Really old software.. throw in trash can..

I was using the 975chipset with E6400 duo2 core without any problems.. and
just built another computer
with a E8400 on a Abit IX38 Quad MB..

I'm running Vista Ult. 64bit..

Hopes this helps ease your mind...


DanS said:
That is what I've been saying all along.

Yes...there where issues when XP came out, but not nearly as severe, and
compatibility issues where somewhat more acceptable, as it was a move
from the 9x kernel to the NT kernel.

Then apparently you weren't doing any support related work when it was
released. If anything, the issues were more severe. Driver and program
incompatibilities topping the list. I don't know where you got your
information, but this was not the case in the real world.
If a device did not have an XP driver, but had an NT4 driver, most of the
time it seemed as though the NT driver would work satisfactorily.

For what? I never found this to be the case. In fact there were none that I
am aware of. The driver architecture is completely different. There were a
few 2000 drivers that would work after a fashion, but they were unstable. If
you are going to try and state something as factual, at least make sure you
have your facts straight.
What's _really_ funny to me, is that some feel that having a blue
titlebar with rounded corners (XP) looked 'cartoonish' and was
unnecessary eye candy. What ?! That is not eye candy.

Well by that standard, the Aero system is not eye candy. Most people,
including myself got rid of the "Fisher Price" look, and set it back to the
classic look as it caused more of a performance hit than Aero does. Explain
to me how you get tot determine what eye candy is, and what is not.


Then apparently you weren't doing any support related work when it was
released. If anything, the issues were more severe. Driver and program
incompatibilities topping the list. I don't know where you got your
information, but this was not the case in the real world.

Maybe I got my information from the IT department I worked in at the


DanS said:
Maybe I got my information from the IT department I worked in at the

Must have been at Goobertronics Incorporated on the Bizzaro Planet then,
because here on earth there were SERIOUS issues. All one has to do is Google
the XP groups from that time period to show this to be the case. Here on
earth, my users/clients asked questions like "Why doesn't this
scanner/printer work?" or "Why aren't there drivers for my tape drive".
Sound's familiar HUH?

Job Andersson

Wait until Vista SP3 is realeased, Then they might have fixed all the bugs -
and computer hardware will be up to the ridiculous requirements, Vista needs
4Gb to operate anywere near satisfaction. 8Gb is what I would recommend.

Currently, Vista sometimes cannot even do simple file copy operation.



Job Andersson said:
Wait until Vista SP3 is realeased, Then they might have fixed all the
bugs -

I have no bugs here....

and computer hardware will be up to the ridiculous requirements, Vista
4Gb to operate anywere near satisfaction. 8Gb is what I would recommend.

I am operating PERFECTLY satisfactorily on 2GB RAM.


Gordon said:
I have no bugs here....

I am operating PERFECTLY satisfactorily on 2GB RAM.

And mine (optimized, mind you) works just as well as XPSP2 in 1GB.



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