Is it Spyware/Virus?WinXp Pro



When I try to run a program including system ones like defrag I get
"defrag.exe BAD IMAGE-xxx.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check
this against your instsllation diskette". I lost my ADSL connection upon
starting the computer because of this and any program I try to run I get the
same "Bad Image" error message. I have run Adware and Spybot and both gave
clean results. I can not run Norton AV since I am getting the same error. I
can not
uninstall Norton in order to Install the NAV2005. I tried directly to
install the
NAV2005 but gives an install error and quits. Is there any program that runs
from a CD/DVD that can clean the disk? Micro Center told me that I have to
reinstall WINXP Pro from my recovery disks. Is this the final solution?

Please reply


ChrisMA said:
When I try to run a program including system ones like defrag I get
"defrag.exe BAD IMAGE-xxx.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please
check this against your instsllation diskette". I lost my ADSL
connection upon starting the computer because of this and any program
I try to run I get the same "Bad Image" error message. I have run
Adware and Spybot and both gave clean results. I can not run Norton AV
since I am getting the same error. I can not
uninstall Norton in order to Install the NAV2005. I tried directly to
install the
NAV2005 but gives an install error and quits. Is there any program
that runs from a CD/DVD that can clean the disk? Micro Center told me
that I have to
reinstall WINXP Pro from my recovery disks. Is this the final

Normally this error means that the media (or downloaded installer) for
whatever program you are installing is damaged; i.e., a scratched CD or
corrupted download. However, since you are having multiple instances of
this issue with lots of different programs I doubt the cause is
specific to one installation disk. I also doubt this has anything to do
with malware.

When you say "any program I try to run..." do you mean any program you
try to *install* from CD fails or do you get an error running programs
already installed on the hard drive? If the former, swap out the CD
drive for a known working one and see if that solves the problem. If it
does, throw the old drive away. A new CD-ROM drive can cost as little
as $20usd.

If you are seeing these sorts of problems on programs already installed
(you mentioned losing your Internet connection), then the cause is
probably not a dying CD drive. Unfortunately, we don't have enough
information to be able to give you an accurate diagnosis. Certainly a
clean install of Windows might be in your future, but I would not do
that until I was sure that all the hardware was sound. You definitely
should back up your data if you have not already done so.

If you want hardware troubleshooting steps and/or more focused
troubleshooting, post back and include more details about your computer
specs, the answer to my question in Paragraph 2 above, and any other
information that will help us help you. Otherwise, it might be a better
course of action for you to take the machine to a professional computer
repair shop (not your local equivalent of BigStoreUSA).



Malke, thank you for the prompt response. The error occures when I try to run
any program like Flight Simulator, Word, Excel, Adobe Album and the rest.
Therefore, I do not thing is a hardware problem. I have run Iolo's System
Mechanic 5 from the CD and I did the defrag since I was unable to do the
Windows defrag. I took the computer to Best Buy and I was told it is Spyware
but they asked a big price to diagnose and reinstal Wndows. My system is a
PoweSpec 9340 P43HT/120/1G/DVDRW. I talked to friends and everybody says is
either spyware or virus. I guess I have to wait until I get the restore CDs I
ordered from Micro center and do a clean Windows install.

Thanks again

David H. Lipman

From: "ChrisMA" <[email protected]>

| Malke, thank you for the prompt response. The error occures when I try to run
| any program like Flight Simulator, Word, Excel, Adobe Album and the rest.
| Therefore, I do not thing is a hardware problem. I have run Iolo's System
| Mechanic 5 from the CD and I did the defrag since I was unable to do the
| Windows defrag. I took the computer to Best Buy and I was told it is Spyware
| but they asked a big price to diagnose and reinstal Wndows. My system is a
| PoweSpec 9340 P43HT/120/1G/DVDRW. I talked to friends and everybody says is
| either spyware or virus. I guess I have to wait until I get the restore CDs I
| ordered from Micro center and do a clean Windows install.
| Thanks again
| Chris

Dump the contents of the IE Temporary Internet Folder cache (TIF)

start --> settings --> control panel --> internet options --> delete files

Open a Command Prompt.

In the Command Prompt type the following...


If it replies..
"Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process.
Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts?

Choose - Y

type; EXIT

Reboot the PC.

A full Check Disk will want to be performed, allow it.

When it reboots, perform a defragmentation of the hard disk.

You can get to the Defragmenting program easily by executing; dfrg.msc

Start --> run ->
type; dfrg.msc


David, I did what you said but when I tried the commend line: chkdsk C: /F i
got the same massage as before:

"chkdsk.exe Bad Image
The application or dll c:\windows\system32\ulib.dll is not a valid windows
image. Please check this against your installation diskette"

It seems that any program requesting a system32 lib gets this error message.
If I run or Nasa northwind there is no problem but of course I
do not have internet access.

Any other ideas. Thanks for your time.

Gerry Cornell

Is Windows XP SP2 installed?

Try Start, Run, type "sfc /scannow" without quotes and hit Enter.

Description of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 System File Checker


Hope this helps.


Using invalid email address

Stourport, Worcs, England
Enquire, plan and execute.
Please tell the newsgroup how any
suggested solution worked for you.



SP2 is installed. I have run sfc /scannow but not errors are reported back. I
am assuming it worked. Is there anything else I should do?
Thanks for the suggestion


I have already sent a previous email confirming that I did what you have
suggested. I restarted the computer it went to safe mode by itself, it
connected to the net, downloaded two upgrades and installed them. Now when I
try to restart goes to safe mode. Shall I press F8 and go to the regular


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