Invalid current state 0



So far, my research has found that the Service Control
Manager will report an error 7016 (The "sevicename" has
reported an invalid current state 0) whenever the SCM
querys a third party service and does not receive an
expected response code.

We have lived with this occasional error message for a
long time and it has had no effect on the services or the
server. With the application last week of MS04-011, MS04-
013 and MS04-014 the frequency of this error message in
the system log increased many fold and filled the log,
thus rendering the system inaccessible from across the

What in these 3 patches might have caused the increase
error reporting and what can be done to prevent it from
repeating every 25 seconds for every third party service?

I have learned that SMS Hardware Inventory might cause
this, but that service, while installed, is not running.
What else could be making the call for current service

Jason Hall [MSFT]

Content-Class: urn:content-classes:message
From: "JLS" <[email protected]>
Sender: "JLS" <[email protected]>
Subject: Invalid current state 0
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 03:49:36 -0700

So far, my research has found that the Service Control
Manager will report an error 7016 (The "sevicename" has
reported an invalid current state 0) whenever the SCM
querys a third party service and does not receive an
expected response code.

We have lived with this occasional error message for a
long time and it has had no effect on the services or the
server. With the application last week of MS04-011, MS04-
013 and MS04-014 the frequency of this error message in
the system log increased many fold and filled the log,
thus rendering the system inaccessible from across the

What in these 3 patches might have caused the increase
error reporting and what can be done to prevent it from
repeating every 25 seconds for every third party service?

I have learned that SMS Hardware Inventory might cause
this, but that service, while installed, is not running.
What else could be making the call for current service

It may be Eventlog.dll that is causing this increase in error reporting. It
is updated in MS04-011.
Do you know which service it is that is spawning the errors? Is there a
software update for it?

~ Performance Support Specialist,
~ Microsoft Enterprise Platforms Support
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~ Note: For the benefit of the community-at-large, all responses to this
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