internet playin up



me and my sister use the p.c alot, we scan for virus's everyday, eventhough
we have a security protection thing that cost nearly £50, and a couple of
weeks ago there was a virus tht had got through in an email!!
we have deleted the virus, cleaned it quarentened it we've done everythin
but we are just recieving more and more virus's and the internet is now
playin up!
when we go onto IE if we open a window tht has an adon or link the window
will either not open at all and shut the rest of the IE windows with it or it
will open, and once you've finished lookin at it, clickin X, again all other
windows shut with it. whether you've asked them to or not.

does anyone no how to get rid of these virus's once and all, because now if
we try to delete them it says the file is not found as our security system
automatically deletes them. and also does anyone no wat is up with our IE and
how to resolve it??

please help!! and im not a computer wizz so i dont understand P.C talk : )


even just ebterin this post, after i had posted it all the IE windows shut
down, but a window with:

The instruction at "0x7d51df71" referenced memory at "0x0000004c". The
memory could not be "read"

came up, so i dont no if thats any more help to anyone!!!


Hi Guys,
Apart from the problem with Internet Explorer do you notice anything else on
your PC doing anything weird?
Solving this problem could be tricky, so you are going to need to be
patient. The first thing to do is make sure your PC
is now virus free.When you scan for viruses does your scanner now report
that viruses have been found or is it saying no virus found?
Its possible that when dealing with your viruses IE somehow got damaged so
can I suggest you switch browsers to Firefox for a while,
you can get it at and its free-that
at least should allow you to carry on surfin till IE gets fixed.
In the mean time tell us the result of your virus scan and if a virus is
found, what is it called?



i have done several scans on the pc and its been virus free so far, however i
had a mesage come up the other day saying there was a virus on the pc so i
needed to do a scan and when i did it detected no virus's so .... but when
you say about this firefox do i delete IE, and how do i make it my main


Kay_lee said:
i have done several scans on the pc and its been virus free so far, however
had a mesage come up the other day saying there was a virus on the pc so i
needed to do a scan and when i did it detected no virus's so .... but when
you say about this firefox do i delete IE, and how do i make it my main
Hello Kay_lee
You don't need to delete IE. You can quite happily run Firefox with IE
present. In fact, you might find you prefer Firefox as well. It has a more
modern feel than IE and is not so demanding on your system. Good luck with


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