Internet History Fills Up Too Soon



Hello, and thanks for reading my post.

(I just tried to post this but fear that didn't work, so I'm trying again.
Apologies if this is a duplicate.)

For some reason that I do not know, my Internet History has filled up after
only a few weeks, even though I'd set it for many more, and allotted over 1MB
of space for it.

Earlier, I'd posted the details under "Internet History Fills in only 8
Weeks", so, if you could please search for my name, you'll find it. Please
read it and let me know your thoughts.

This has really left me perplexed, and I don't know what can be done about
it. Thanks for your time and your help.

Bram Weiser


i think u mean temp internet files.1 mb is way too low for temp.try 500
empty temp files often!!its faster for browser to just download a new page
to check the new with the old and update an old page.delete history often to
save disk space.set history save at 1 day.on browser > tools > Advanced >
under security way down ck mark empty temporary internet files when browser
is closed


Dear janfeb,

Yes, you're right, sorry, I used the wrong abbreviation. It's now more than
1GB, not "1MB".

I do empty Temporary Internet Files often, but this is History, and wouldn't
that be something different?

Also, I don't want to leave History at just 1 day. My point is that I have
plenty(!) of free disk space, lots of RAM and set History files to take up a
lot of space, so they shouldn't stop at only 8 weeks or so, especially when I
set them to stay around for 30 weeks, instead.

Any other thoughts/ideas? Thanks again.

Bram Weiser


Bram Weiser said:
Hello, and thanks for reading my post.

(I just tried to post this but fear that didn't work, so I'm trying again.
Apologies if this is a duplicate.)

For some reason that I do not know, my Internet History has filled up after
only a few weeks, even though I'd set it for many more, and allotted over 1MB
of space for it.

Earlier, I'd posted the details under "Internet History Fills in only 8
Weeks", so, if you could please search for my name, you'll find it. Please
read it and let me know your thoughts.

This has really left me perplexed, and I don't know what can be done about
it. Thanks for your time and your help.

Bram Weiser

i think changing internet temp folder from 1 g to 500 mb would make pc
in the advanced tab it says "close unused folders in history and
favorites" uncheck that. i geuss browser just clears itself when its history
gets big.the only
thing i could surgest is get firefox browser and download "MozBackup" both
free mozbackup puts dragen on desk it it offers to backup firefox
history cookeys bookmarks.back up to a folder u created on c dosn't
over write like windows backup does.u could keep all ur history for next 10
yrs with this set up.if u get mozella thunderbird e mail the dragen will back
up draft folder.when it backs up it makes an X if u want to read what u
backed up click dragen click restore from 1st folder to a 2nd folder u
created on c drive. in the 2nd folder everything will be readably! how to
back up microsoft explorer? i don't know.


Dear janfeb,

Thanks for responding again.

This is an interesting approach, but it seems fairly involved when all I'm
trying to do is work within WindowsXP and IE to have History keep more than,
say, 8 weeks' worth of Website visits.

If you, or others, have other ideas in that regard, please let me know.

Thanks again,

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