internet explorer shutting down



Hi wonder if anyone can help with my internet explorer issue. When I attempt to connect to the internet the connection is made and the homepage begins to load but then after a few seconds the screen closes even though the connection is still open. The screen wont stay open for more than 10 seconds. Have done a virus scan and everything like that with Norton but nothing seems to work. Can someone help me out

Cheers mark

H Leboeuf

Try this: Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Browsing
Uncheck the Enable 3rd party browser extensions

If this clears your problem then find out who the culprit(s) is/are with
these tools.

Let AD-Aware Scan your system for advertising Spyware



p.s Reset the 3rd party browser setting.

More: This may be caused by a third-party program (adware, spyware,
Get AdAware and SpyBot and run them both. Keep them up to date.
Dealing with Unwanted Spyware, Parasites, Toolbars and Search Engines

mark said:
Hi wonder if anyone can help with my internet explorer issue. When I
attempt to connect to the internet the connection is made and the homepage
begins to load but then after a few seconds the screen closes even though
the connection is still open. The screen wont stay open for more than 10
seconds. Have done a virus scan and everything like that with Norton but
nothing seems to work. Can someone help me out?


Leboeuf you are a prince (or princess)
All of you with the same subject problem take note
I was having the same "Internet Explorer Will Now Shut Down" problem and this advise worked like a charm
Enabled the 3rd party browser and it worked
Went back and loaded the free version of both AD-Aware and SpyBot and they found all kinds of nasty stuff
I am once again up and running like new
I hope "Mark" was able to do the same

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