Internet Explorer 5.5 / Outlook Express 5.5 setup files no longer functions. Did Microsoft stop the


Nate Goulet

Internet Explorer 5.5 / Outlook Express 5.5 setup files no longer
functions. Did Microsoft stop these from working?

I have two seperate copies of the setup files for IE 5.5. Neither
disk functions anymore. A DOS window quickly apears with a message
that disapears before I can even read it. I managed to get a print
screen of it, but I don't have it handy to post here.

Is Microsoft trying to force everyone to IE 6?

I just reformatted / re-installed Windows 98 and prefer using IE 5.5 /
Outlook 5.5. I keep the critical security updates up to date. Why do
I need to go to 6? It runs slower on an old PC, and i've noticed IE 6
tends to get hacked a lot more, and more updates are constantly
needed. The PC I installed a new hard drive on is a PII 350 mhz with
128 megs of ram. Plenty powerful for the applications i'm running on

Is there a place I can download IE 5.5 somewhere else that still
works? I also want to keep old of the older computers consistant, and
i'm running IE 6 on Windows XP machines.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

Nate Goulet said:
Internet Explorer 5.5 / Outlook Express 5.5 setup files no longer
functions. Did Microsoft stop these from working?

I have two seperate copies of the setup files for IE 5.5. Neither
disk functions anymore. A DOS window quickly apears with a message
that disapears before I can even read it. I managed to get a print
screen of it, but I don't have it handy to post here.

Is Microsoft trying to force everyone to IE 6?

I just reformatted / re-installed Windows 98 and prefer using IE 5.5 /
Outlook 5.5. I keep the critical security updates up to date. Why do
I need to go to 6? It runs slower on an old PC, and i've noticed IE 6
tends to get hacked a lot more, and more updates are constantly
needed. The PC I installed a new hard drive on is a PII 350 mhz with
128 megs of ram. Plenty powerful for the applications i'm running on

Is there a place I can download IE 5.5 somewhere else that still
works? I also want to keep old of the older computers consistant, and
i'm running IE 6 on Windows XP machines.

This was answered in another newsgroup.

If you must post identical messages in more than one newsgroup please
crosspost, i.e. please place all of the newsgroups in the Newsgroup field of
one message, separated by commas. That way when someone reads the message
in one newsgroup it will be marked as read in all of them. In addition, an
answer posted in one newsgroup will generally show up in all of them.

This is usually not necessary since most of those who answer posts read
more than one newsgroup.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup only. Do not send email
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