Intermitten freeze and lock up of computer



Have emachine, approx 3 years old, xp sp2 home edition and just over the past
couple of weeks have found that once I am logged on and try to open IE7
(since removed now using IE6) that I just get a white screen and it is up to
30-40second before a web page appears. My computer also locks up and on
pressing alt/ctl/delete occassionally get message "Not responding" there
have been times when I cannot open incredimail, Messenger live will lock up
intermittently when typing messages. Could this be because the HDD is on
it's way out. What programs do I need at startup as it showed Bigfix was
working and I am not sure why this problem is occuring. Any help or ideas
would be appreciated. Not a real computer nurd so would appreciate in
layman's terms. Thanks in advance


problem still the same even after removing IE7 and restarting the computer.
everything is just so slow

Danny Wareham

I noticed that after I hit the send button.

Did you remove IE7 by using the uninstaller or another method?

Have you tried clearing out your prefetch files, temporary internet files,
and your temporary files?

If you didn't use the uninstaller, I would recommend reinstalling IE 7 then
uninstalling it from the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel Applet.
Danny Wareham, President
WareSoft Software

XP Smoker - The Hot Performance Booster for Windows XP

Popular Software at Great Prices


IE7 was removed by using the Add/Remove, have cleared out the temporary
internet files, history, cache but what is the Prefetch files???? I have
never heard of that before. Thanks Danny, any more clues?

Danny Wareham

The prefetch files are files in the Windows\Prefetch folder. They help
programs open more rapidly by storing information about exactly where they
are on the drive and how to load them into memory. The prefetch file is
created for a program when it executes. Replacing the program such as IE7
could theoretically cause a conflict with how it is loaded using a prefetch
file for IE6. (I'm not sure if it will create a new one or not when it is a
new program file)

I would try deleting all of them. That is all files that end with *.pf in
that folder and nothing else.

It won't hurt anything. It may help, it may not.

Danny Wareham, President
WareSoft Software

XP Smoker - The Hot Performance Booster for Windows XP

Popular Software at Great Prices


I recently updated to IE7, and my computer is freezing more frequently now,
though it was freezing less frequently before. I can see what is going in by
bringing up Task Manager with Ctl Alt Del, explore.exe runs CPU at 98% of
the time.... never is CPU idle... sometimes explore.exe is at 50%,
taskmgr.exe at 50%, sometimes explore.exe at 75%, taskmgr at 25% ...
that's after I popped up taskmgr to monitor what's happening... , I've also
seen iexplorer.exe running at 99% ... and also an app called ghosttray.exe
(Norton Ghost) running at 99% (which I uninstalled to be sure it wasn't a
problem ... ) ... but I still have the problem... and even more so since
installing IE7 .... Internet Explorer 7 ... Have you any ideas what would
cause an app. not to share with other apps . like this ???


Thanks Danny, today the computer seems to be running better, I did do a
search to find the .pf files but with my lack of knowledge and since the
computer is a little better at the moment am letting sleeping dog
today isn't all the good as have grandkids over. So if I have anymore
problems will get back to this site later...Thanks for the help.

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