Inserting RAS Entry


Felipe T.

Im having a bad time working with RAS APIs. Im working in a personal Library
to implement RAS funcionality.
Iv managed to solve most of my needs, but for now...Im stucked with a
NotSupportedException with EnumDevices...

Well, anyway, i just need to insert a RAS Entry in the RAS list...

Anyone can help?

Ignacio Machin \( .NET/ C# MVP \)

Hi Felipe,

RAS is a big problem to implement, basically cause the structs are very
complex, I started almost a year ago to try to do it, but I did not finish
it, I use a dll that somebody from this group sent me, it was implemented on
C. Below you will find my progress for a RASDialer class, I haven;t touch
the code for over a year and it was never ever terminated but it can give
you a good start at least, it contain an implementation of EnumDevices that
I think to remember that it worked.

You will see that I did a class for each struct on RAS, they have variables
with the same name found on the original struct plus two methods, GetBytes()
that put the struct on a byte array to pass it ot unmanaged code, and
FromBytes() that is used to get the raw data from unmanaged code and create
the class in managed code.

So without further ado this is the code
I hope it helps you

Ignacio Machin,
ignacio.machin AT
Florida Department Of Transportation

//****************************** CODE START **********
public class RASDialer
public string GenerateEmail( DataRow orderrow)
return "";


public static System.Text.Encoding encoder = new

public const string SourceDLL = "rasapi32.dll";
#region Constants
#if PPC
const int RAS_CHAR_SIZE = 2;
const int MAX_PATH = 56;

const int RAS_MaxEntryName =20;
const int RAS_MaxDeviceName = 32;
const int RAS_MaxPhoneNumber =128;
const int RAS_MaxCallbackNumber =128;
const int RAS_CHAR_SIZE = 1;
const int MAX_PATH = 260;

const int RAS_MaxEntryName = 256;
const int RAS_MaxDeviceName = 128;
const int RAS_MaxPhoneNumber = 128;
const int RAS_MaxCallbackNumber = 128;

const int UNLEN = 256;
const int PWLEN = 256;
const int DNLEN = 15;


const int RASCS_PAUSED = 0x1000;
const int RASCS_DONE = 0x2000;

const int RAS_MaxDeviceType =16;
const int RAS_MaxParamKey =32;
const int RAS_MaxParamValue =128;
const int RAS_MaxIpAddress =15;
const int RAS_MaxIpxAddress =21;


public class RASDIALPARAMS
public const int RAS_RASDIALPARAMS_SIZE = 1052;
public char[] szEntryName = new char[ RAS_MaxEntryName + 1];
public char[] szPhoneNumber = new char[ RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1];
public char[] szCallbackNumber = new char[ RAS_MaxCallbackNumber + 1];
public char[] szUserName = new char[ UNLEN + 1];
public char[] szPassword = new char[ PWLEN + 1];
public char[] szDomain = new char[ DNLEN + 1];

public byte[] GetBytes(){ return null;} // to be done
public void FromBytes( byte[] buffer){} // to be done
public void FromBytes( byte[] buffer, int startindex){} // to be done

public class RASENTRYNAME
public const int RAS_RASETRYNAME_SIZE = 264;

public Int32 dwSize;
public char[] szEntryName = new char[ RAS_MaxEntryName + 1];

public byte[] GetBytes()
int iNext =0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[RAS_RASETRYNAME_SIZE];
Array.Copy( BitConverter.GetBytes( dwSize), 0, buffer, iNext,
Marshal.SizeOf( typeof(int)));
iNext +=Marshal.SizeOf( typeof(int));
encoder.GetBytes( szEntryName, 0, RAS_MaxEntryName + 1, buffer, iNext);

return buffer;
public void FromBytes( byte[] buffer)
FromBytes( buffer, 0);

public void FromBytes( byte[] buffer, int startindex){
int iLength = 0;
int iNext = startindex;
iLength = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int));
dwSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, iNext);
iNext += iLength;
iLength = (RAS_MaxEntryName + 1) * RAS_CHAR_SIZE;
szEntryName = encoder.GetChars(buffer, iNext, iLength);


public class RASDEVINFO
public const int RAS_RASDEVINFO_SIZE= 152;

public Int32 dwSize;
public char[] szDeviceType = new char[ RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1];
public char[] szDeviceName = new char[ RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1];

public byte[] GetBytes()
int iNext =0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[RAS_RASDEVINFO_SIZE];
Array.Copy( BitConverter.GetBytes( dwSize), 0, buffer, iNext,
Marshal.SizeOf( typeof(int)));
iNext +=Marshal.SizeOf( typeof(int));
encoder.GetBytes( szDeviceType, 0, RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1, buffer,
iNext +=Marshal.SizeOf( (RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1)* RAS_CHAR_SIZE );
encoder.GetBytes( szDeviceName, 0, RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1, buffer,

return buffer;
public void FromBytes( byte[] buffer)
FromBytes( buffer, 0);
public void FromBytes( byte[] buffer, int startindex)
int iLength = 0;
int iNext = startindex;
iLength = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(int));
dwSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, iNext);
iNext += iLength;
iLength = (RAS_MaxDeviceType + 1) * RAS_CHAR_SIZE;
szDeviceType = encoder.GetChars(buffer, iNext, iLength);
iNext += iLength;
iLength = (RAS_MaxDeviceName + 1) * RAS_CHAR_SIZE;
szDeviceName = encoder.GetChars(buffer, iNext, iLength);

[ DllImport(SourceDLL, EntryPoint="RasEnumDevices") ]
private static extern int _EnumDevices(
IntPtr rasPtr,
ref int rasLength,
ref int rasNum

[ DllImport(SourceDLL, EntryPoint="RasEnumEntries") ]
private static extern int _EnumEntries(
IntPtr ignored,
IntPtr ignoredToo,
IntPtr rasEntries,
ref int bufferSize,
ref int numEntries

public static string[] EnumEntries()
IntPtr rasPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
int rasLength = 0;
int rasNum = 0;
//Alloc one entry only
Marshal.Copy( BitConverter.GetBytes( size ), 0, rasPtr , 4);
int x = _EnumEntries( IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, rasPtr, ref rasLength,
ref rasNum);

rasPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( rasLength);
Marshal.Copy( BitConverter.GetBytes( size ), 0, rasPtr , 4);
x = _EnumEntries( IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, rasPtr, ref rasLength, ref
byte[] buffer = new byte[rasLength];
Marshal.Copy(rasPtr, buffer, 0, rasLength);
Marshal.FreeHGlobal( rasPtr);

return null;

public static RASDEVINFO[] EnumDevices()
IntPtr rasPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
int rasLength = 0;
int rasNum = 0;
rasPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( rasStructSize);
Marshal.Copy( BitConverter.GetBytes( rasStructSize ), 0, rasPtr , 4);
int x = _EnumDevices( rasPtr, ref rasLength, ref rasNum);
if ( rasNum == 0 )
Marshal.FreeHGlobal( rasPtr);
return null;
if ( x != 0){
Marshal.FreeHGlobal( rasPtr);
rasPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal( rasLength);
Marshal.Copy( BitConverter.GetBytes( rasStructSize ), 0, rasPtr , 4);
Marshal.Copy( BitConverter.GetBytes( rasStructSize ), 0, rasPtr , 4);
x = _EnumDevices( rasPtr, ref rasLength, ref rasNum);
byte[] deviceInfo = new Byte[rasLength];
Marshal.Copy(rasPtr, deviceInfo, 0, rasLength);
Marshal.FreeHGlobal( rasPtr);

RASDEVINFO[] rasDevInfo = new RASDEVINFO[rasNum];
int iNext = 0;
for(int i=0; i<rasNum; i++)
rasDevInfo = new RASDEVINFO();
rasDevInfo.FromBytes( deviceInfo, iNext);
byte[] t = rasDevInfo.GetBytes();
return rasDevInfo;
public static string[] EnumDevicesAsString()
RASDEVINFO[] rasDevInfo = EnumDevices();
string[] entries = new string[ rasDevInfo.GetUpperBound(0)+1];

for ( int i = 0; i < rasDevInfo.GetUpperBound(0)+1; i++ )
entries = new string(rasDevInfo.szDeviceName);

return entries;
//****************************** CODE END **********

Chris Stephens

Hi Felipe,

We manage our RAS entrys by using calls to the ras api via a dll writtin in
evc, here are a few snippets from the dll that might be of use.....

DWORD lpcb = 0 , lpcDevices, nRet, dw;
WCHAR szTmp[255];

RasEnumDevices(lpRasDevInfo, &lpcb, &lpcDevices);

lpRasDevInfo = (LPRASDEVINFOW) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, lpcb);
lpRasDevInfo->dwSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFOW);

nRet = RasEnumDevices(lpRasDevInfo, &lpcb, &lpcDevices);

count = lpcDevices;

if (nRet ==0)
for (dw = 0; dw < lpcDevices; dw++)
wcscat(szTmp, lpRasDevInfo->szDeviceName);
if (dw != lpcDevices)


return nRet;

LPWSTR lpszLogin,
LPWSTR lpszPassword,
LPWSTR lpszPhoneNumber,
DWORD dwCountryCode,
LPWSTR lpszAreaCode,
LPWSTR lpszDeviceName)
DWORD dwSize, dwDevInfo, dwError;
dwDevInfo = 128;
dwError = 0;

if (dwError = RasValidateEntryName(NULL, lpszName))
return dwError;

dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY);
RasEntry.dwSize = dwSize;

if (dwError = RasGetEntryProperties(NULL, _T(""),&RasEntry, &dwSize, NULL,
return dwError;

// Fill the RASENTRY structure
_tcscpy(RasEntry.szAreaCode, lpszAreaCode);
RasEntry.dwCountryCode = (DWORD) dwCountryCode;
_tcscpy(RasEntry.szLocalPhoneNumber, lpszPhoneNumber);
_tcscpy(RasEntry.szDeviceType, RASDT_Modem);
_tcscpy(RasEntry.szDeviceName, lpszDeviceName);
RasEntry.dwfOptions = 520; //RASEO_DialAsLocalCall;

// Create a new phone-book entry.

if (dwError = RasSetEntryProperties(NULL, lpszName,
&RasEntry,sizeof(RASENTRY), NULL,0))
return dwError;

// Initialize a RASDIALPARAMS structure
RasDialParams.dwSize = sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS);
_tcscpy(RasDialParams.szEntryName, lpszName);

// Fill up the RASDIALPARAMS structure
_tcscpy(RasDialParams.szPhoneNumber, lpszPhoneNumber);
_tcscpy(RasDialParams.szUserName, lpszLogin);
_tcscpy(RasDialParams.szPassword, lpszPassword);

// Change the connection data
if (dwError = RasSetEntryDialParams(NULL, &RasDialParams, FALSE))
return dwError;

return dwError;

.... and then in our c# app we call them like....

int x = I8RAS_DLL.MProRASCreateEntry(new StringBuilder(m_entryName),

new StringBuilder(m_login),

new StringBuilder(m_password),

new StringBuilder(m_phoneNumber),


new StringBuilder(m_areaCode),

new StringBuilder(m_deviceName));

m_exists = (x ==0);

Hope this helps!


Felipe T.

Thx Guys,
One thing i must also say...The structures r complex indeed...
Well, ill try a bit more. If i came up with a solution, ill post it here.

Thx 4 the code.

Chris J.T. Auld [MVP]

Take a look at

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Kognition Consulting Limited - Thought Meets Technology
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Email: (e-mail address removed)

Felipe T.

Yah, i forgot this component...I saw it when i was beginning to work with
Net CF...If it works perfectly, its not that much expensive for the work it
does 4 me...I think ill try it.


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