Images question...


Steve Easton

Download and install the free IrfanView.
It will convert any format to any other format.


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I am creating a site using FP2000 on Windows 2000 Pro and
IIS5.0 using ASP.

I am now on the graphics side of things, and I have told a
graphics firm (on my local high road) to create a logo and
some graphics. They use MACs, hence the problem of me
using Windows and Windows format of image files.

They said to me that they can supply the graphics
as .pdf...which I said to them is useless, as I can only
open them up in Acrobat Reader and cannot import them or
convert them into jpg or bmp etc...

I said to them to supply me in jpg or bmp or similar, but
they said no.

What Windows graphics package is there out there that can
open up these .pdf files and be used for website
graphics...converting them to jpg/bmp/gif etc...??

What is the name of the package...and is it true...can I
really import a pdf and output jpg/bmp etc...using a
graphics software package for Windows???

I am!!!



I am creating a site using FP2000 on Windows 2000 Pro and
IIS5.0 using ASP.

I am now on the graphics side of things, and I have told a
graphics firm (on my local high road) to create a logo and
some graphics. They use MACs, hence the problem of me
using Windows and Windows format of image files.

They said to me that they can supply the graphics
as .pdf...which I said to them is useless, as I can only
open them up in Acrobat Reader and cannot import them or
convert them into jpg or bmp etc...

I said to them to supply me in jpg or bmp or similar, but
they said no.

What Windows graphics package is there out there that can
open up these .pdf files and be used for website
graphics...converting them to jpg/bmp/gif etc...??

What is the name of the package...and is it true...can I
really import a pdf and output jpg/bmp etc...using a
graphics software package for Windows???

I am!!!


Thomas A. Rowe

From the MAC, they should be able to save a JPG from, say PhotoShop.

You may be able to use TIFF or EPS formats depending on your image
application, but you will need to convert the image to GIF or JPG for the


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Kevin Spencer

I would hire a different graphics firm. That one sounds like a bunch of


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Big Things are made up of
Lots of Little Things.


Can you recommend me a good ...or rather professional
graphics package(s) to put graphics on the web?



Steve Easton

pdf may not be listed as a file type,
but IrfanView will open "almost" any file
if you use file > open

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doesn't do pdf!



What is the best Windows graphics package out there for
website design and graphics integration?


Steve Easton

That's a tough question, as it depends
upon what you want to do with images / graphics
and the level of quality you want to display.

Believe it or not, for the level of graphics I'm
currently using, I use good old Paint, and IrfanView
for stills and Ulead Gif animator for animations.

For high quality jpg I would go with E.T Cullings
recommendations listed here:

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What is the best Windows graphics package out there for
website design and graphics integration?



As a Mac user I agree with Kevin. If that firm doesn't know
how to create jpg and gif files from their work they
shouldn't be in business or at least selling work for web use.

Whether for Mac or Windows, JPG and GIF are standard,
common, cross platform file formats that any graphic
software program should be able to create. Heck, all Macs
come with a text and graphics editor called AppleWorks
which should be able to convert them easily.

Jack Brewster

macuser said:
As a Mac user I agree with Kevin. If that firm doesn't know
how to create jpg and gif files from their work they
shouldn't be in business or at least selling work for web use.

Whether for Mac or Windows, JPG and GIF are standard,
common, cross platform file formats that any graphic
software program should be able to create. Heck, all Macs
come with a text and graphics editor called AppleWorks
which should be able to convert them easily.

Whoever you work with, your best best is to get the originals in a non-lossy
format (eps or tif, can't recall which is best...) rather than jpg. It's
easier to go from high quality to low quality, but not the other way around.

And make backups of your originals.

And then back those up, too.

You never know how long your business partnerships will last and it's hard
to track down a company to get original files if the company has folded.

(And I agree, the shop you're working with now certainly doesn't seem to get
it. PDF is not a graphics format, even if it can be opened by Photoshop
(and, btw, Photoshop Elements 1.0 - I just tried it).)

Edward Gerety

"> As a Mac user I agree with Kevin. If that firm doesn't know
how to create jpg and gif files from their work they
shouldn't be in business or at least selling work for web use.
The issue may not be that they don't know how. They may not want to.

There are use and copyright issues all over in the graphic arts business.
Unless a work is EXPLICITLY done for hire (written in the contract or
verbally agreed) the copyright resides with the creator. If the company
designed the logos, etc., they may own them and want more money to sell them
in another form. They may even want a per-use fee.

Think about portraits and wedding pictures. They're generally owned by the
photographer. You buy only a single copy at a time.


Thomas A. Rowe

If you hire a business to develop a logo or document, etc. for you or your
business, then you would expect them to give you the item, in a format that
you can use.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


No, different program. It's the little, yet mighty, brother for Photoshop. I
use Elements and I am soooooooo glad I got it. It does everything I wanted
to be able to do and so much more!

The problem with resting on your laurels is that eventually you are sitting
on dead branches.


Jack Brewster

JL_Amerson said:
No, different program. It's the little, yet mighty, brother for Photoshop. I
use Elements and I am soooooooo glad I got it. It does everything I wanted
to be able to do and so much more!

I've actually got PE 1.0 and I was able to open a PDF. I didn't have any
time to mess around with it, but I can at least confirm that it's possible.

And for $99 (or less - check Costco) it sure beats the price of Photoshop.

Edward Gerety

Thomas A. Rowe said:
If you hire a business to develop a logo or document, etc. for you or your
business, then you would expect them to give you the item, in a format that
you can use.
That has to be negotiated up front. Expectations of a computer guy are
different from those of a graphic arts guys. As I said before, the
copyright rules are as below:
Unless a work is EXPLICITLY done for hire (written in the contract or
verbally agreed) the copyright resides with the creator. If the company
designed the logos, etc., they may own them and want more money to sell them
in another form. They may even want a per-use fee.


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