I'm at the end of my rope.



I've been trying for a couple of months to make a musical tribute slideshow
from a bunch of still photos. Yes..... I can make a slideshow but nothing
impressive looking. I've tried Movie Maker, Photo Story and all manner of 3rd
party apps. I have always been a die-hard Windows support but this forray in
the multi-media world has left me furious. Some Windows products do one or
two the things I need, another 3rd party will do a couple of other things I
need but there does not appear to be ANY Windows based s/w that is geared
towards easy-to-use and robust video editing. I went next door to my
neighbour's place with my pictures and music on a CD and in 30 minutes I
built exactly what I was after on his iMac. AND all the s/w required was part
bundled when he bought the machine! No 3rd party stuff. Will Microsoft ever
get there or should we buy a Mac for multimedia stuff?

John Inzer

Frustrated said:
I've been trying for a couple of months to make a musical tribute
slideshow from a bunch of still photos. Yes..... I can make a
slideshow but nothing impressive looking. I've tried Movie Maker,
Photo Story and all manner of 3rd party apps. I have always been a
die-hard Windows support but this forray in the multi-media world has
left me furious. Some Windows products do one or two the things I
need, another 3rd party will do a couple of other things I need but
there does not appear to be ANY Windows based s/w that is geared
towards easy-to-use and robust video editing. I went next door to my
neighbour's place with my pictures and music on a CD and in 30
minutes I built exactly what I was after on his iMac. AND all the s/w
required was part bundled when he bought the machine! No 3rd party
stuff. Will Microsoft ever get there or should we buy a Mac for
multimedia stuff?
If Movie Maker / PhotoStory is not filling
your needs, maybe the following links would
be worth a look

ProShow Gold

FlipAlbum 6 Suite

John Inzer
MS Picture It! -
Digital Image MVP

Digital Image
Highlights and FAQs

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk


I am not sure what it is you were trying to do with still images and audio
that you couldn't do with Photo Story 3 so it is kind of hard to answer you
on this.
I always use PS3 for image work and have always been able to do anything I
needed to do with that program. Then I bring the WMV from there into Movie
Maker for adding credits etc...


I'm sure you've moved on by now but Movie Maker should serve your needs just
fine. You "add to collections" by browsing for the music file saved on your
hardrive and simply drag and drop it on the storyboard. Do the same with your
still photos or video and then connect them all with transition effects,
titles, etc. I have made several documentary type movies this way. Of course,
if you aren't using video, power point would work just as well or better.

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