If shopping for a new computer, how much video RAM needed for Windows Vista? 128 MB or 256 MB?


Cymbal Man Freq.

If shopping for a new computer, how much video RAM needed for Windows Vista? 128
MB or 256 MB?


Cymbal said:
If shopping for a new computer, how much video RAM needed for Windows Vista? 128
MB or 256 MB?

AMAP, but you might get a more specific answer posting to the Vista
newsgroup microsoft.public.windows.vista.

R. McCarty

Not sure that "Official" specifications are posted. Vista will operate in
different video rendering modes, based on available hardware. If you are a
gamer or want the full AeroGlass effects you'll need a non-embedded Video
such as a PCI Express or recent AGP. I would think a 128-Megabyte VRAM
would meet most of Vista's requirements. However, I've recently deployed
some of the newer video cards that have 512 on-board and believe ATI now
has a card with 1-Gigabyte of VRAM. Drivers are big factor in Vista's
video performance, but I suspect that both nVidia and ATI will fully support

it once it is released. "Cymbal Man Freq." <Don't
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...


Cymbal said:
If shopping for a new computer, how much video RAM needed for Windows Vista? 128
MB or 256 MB?

Since Windows Vista is NOT yet released. Please ask the Author of such
for advice.

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