IE_RDP Errors



Up until a few weeks ago I could use a Remote Desktop Web Connection to
manage an embedded ISA Server 2004 firewall appliance. For seemingly no
reason one day I started getting errors when trying to connect:

Upon opening the connection:
Line: 109
Char: 2
Error: Invalid procedure call or argument
Code: 0

Upon closing the connection:
Line: 92
Char: 3
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method: 'opener.PostLaunch'
Code: 0

The manufacturer of the appliance has tried to duplicate this problem to no
avail. I seem to be the only one of their customers having the problem, so
that likely excludes anything wrong with the appliance. I actually have five
of these appliances in my network and this problem happens on all five,
lending weight to the appliance not being the cause. I can RDP into the same
appliances from other computers on the same LAN and do not get this error.
The error only happens on my Windows XP SP2 laptop.

I tried un/reinstalling the ActiveX control and still get the error. Also
tried updating the ActiveX control. Any idea what else I can try? I really,
really, really don't want to rebuild this computer but it would be a huge
benefit to be able to access these appliances without having to use a
different computer.


Rob Parsons

Hi Brian,

I suppose you have checked your security level for running ActiveX controls?

Another possibility is an entry in the Registry for the kill bit for ActiveX
compatibility. I will leave it to you to research the last possibility as
you will need to know the CLSID of the ActiveX control in question.

I am sorry that I could not offer a more informed answer.

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