ie6 crashing to desktop


Gary Fisher

Sometimes when I'm surfing randomly (multiple browser windows open following
interesting links) everything crashes to the desktop. All browser windows
disapear but dialup connection is still active and clicking a link in my
favorites folder will bring ie6 right up like nothing had happened.
Windows 98 SE
Norton Crashguard (doesn't log any ie6 crashes)

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

Gary Fisher said:
Sometimes when I'm surfing randomly (multiple browser windows open
following interesting links) everything crashes to the desktop. All
browser windows disapear but dialup connection is still active and
clicking a link in my favorites folder will bring ie6 right up like
nothing had happened. IE6 SP1
Windows 98 SE
Norton Crashguard (doesn't log any ie6 crashes)

Uninstall Norton Crashguard.

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