Icon Colours



We have an icon for a software product we have designed. It is an orange
colour square with a white funnel in the middle. This looks fine on most PCs.

However, when pushed from Citrix, it turns the icon bright yellow. We
thought initially this was just Citrix doing this.

But now a Windows XP machine has done the same to the icon on the desktop
and when viewing the properties of the exe file.

Yet, when the application is running, the icon in the top left corner is
normal colour.

I have tried changing the screen colour settings, resolution, but nothing

Any ideas on why this is happening and how we can stop it?

Alex Nichol

dtfrancis15uk said:
We have an icon for a software product we have designed. It is an orange
colour square with a white funnel in the middle. This looks fine on most PCs.

However, when pushed from Citrix, it turns the icon bright yellow. We
thought initially this was just Citrix doing this.

But now a Windows XP machine has done the same to the icon on the desktop
and when viewing the properties of the exe file.

Yet, when the application is running, the icon in the top left corner is
normal colour.

I have tried changing the screen colour settings, resolution, but nothing

Check in registry with regedit.exe at
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics

and make sure that Shell Icon BPP in the right pane is set to 16

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