I need to recover overwritten files in word



I saved new system files on a floppy containing resumes in Microsoft Word. I
need to recover the resumes but I get a listing of system files when get into
the floppy content. Need some suggestion as I know that there is something
like "undelete" command in old DOS 6.1. Can something like that help here?
Thank you for any kind of support.

Charles Kenyon

It might or might not help. For now, lock your floppy from editing. Never,
ever, use files on floppy disks in Word.

Chances are that you erased your files (or reformmated the disk) because you
needed the room on the disk. If so, the space has been overwritten. Undelete
won't help. NSA or the FBI might be able to recover your files. Commerical
outfits can duplicate this but the cost is high.

Check in a Windows newsgroup for a utility that might help.

If you have printed versions of your resumes, start typing.
Charles Kenyon

Word New User FAQ & Web Directory: http://addbalance.com/word

Intermediate User's Guide to Microsoft Word (supplemented version of
Microsoft's Legal Users' Guide) http://addbalance.com/usersguide

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