i lost my sound????



i'll try this again.
returned from trip away and find sound is gone.
no windows xp start sounds either getting thru.
i know the speakers all work as i can hear the wee click when they are
turned on.
voice goes out when i use voice chat on yahoo msg'r but i cant hear them
talking to me.
i presume as the voice goes out that the sound card is not kaput!
i've checked all the settings i know how to check. nothing on mute, all
volumes up.
anyone got any other things i can check?
much tia,


nzlstar* said:
i'll try this again.
returned from trip away and find sound is gone.
no windows xp start sounds either getting thru.
i know the speakers all work as i can hear the wee click when they are
turned on.
voice goes out when i use voice chat on yahoo msg'r but i cant hear
them talking to me.
i presume as the voice goes out that the sound card is not kaput!
i've checked all the settings i know how to check. nothing on mute,
all volumes up.
anyone got any other things i can check?
much tia,

Why would you post this again? I already answered your first post,
asking you questions about your machine so that I could give you
focused troubleshooting. Since you didn't bother to answer them, I
still can't help you.

Try this - obviously not again, but for the first time:

How to make a good newsgroup post:



nzlstar* said:
i'll try this again.
returned from trip away and find sound is gone.
no windows xp start sounds either getting thru.
i know the speakers all work as i can hear the wee click when they are
turned on.
voice goes out when i use voice chat on yahoo msg'r but i cant hear them
talking to me.
i presume as the voice goes out that the sound card is not kaput!
i've checked all the settings i know how to check. nothing on mute, all
volumes up.
anyone got any other things i can check?
much tia,

Where did my Sounds go?


oh my, didnt see a reply from you a first time.
must check the view i'm using on here. sorry.
will check the link as well.
i only read one other usenet group and asking questions there is much more
or perhaps we speak the same language there.
i obviously dont have the expertise you do in computers.
will read that and try to ascertain where i went wrong.
after a double check, found your first reply and it arrived here while i was
different time zones, that explains what happened.


much thanks for your patience.
have read thru the kellys korner and coming up empty.
as to your link re posting questions....
could go thru that list addressing each issue about correct posting but
seems a waste of both our times.

that said....
checked everywhere on my system about audio/sound, being sure all the
relevent items were ticked/checked/dotted appropriatelyl.
i am running winxp with pentium4, 512 ram, 160gb hd(heaps of room on it
i get anti virus update and full scan of system each day, all clear.

checked with son (18yo and just uses computer for fun, has no idea how it
works, doesnt really care, argh) and he says when the sound went out (if he
recalls correctly, still in major teenage odd hours awake mode), he'd been
viewing a dvd from the video shop, this asked him to install something,
which he said ok to, tho had little idea what he was ok'ing.
the prob i have was not of my own making, son seemed to have done this one.
the next day there was no sound. i was not in the country when this happened
so can not be sure how accurate he is, he has little knowledge of the

have double checked sound on both headset, computer speaker in tower and
stereo speakers on desk by resetting each one, rebooting the system and
again, no sound comes thru.
when using yahoo msg'r the voice works thru my headset to others but i can
not hear them, yes volume is up.
if voice on yahoo msg'r works, is the sound card ok???
again, open to suggestions.
much thanks in advance,
<wondering if i need to look inside the tower this time?>


nzlstar* said:
much thanks for your patience.
have read thru the kellys korner and coming up empty.
as to your link re posting questions....
could go thru that list addressing each issue about correct posting
but seems a waste of both our times.

that said....
checked everywhere on my system about audio/sound, being sure all the
relevent items were ticked/checked/dotted appropriatelyl.
i am running winxp with pentium4, 512 ram, 160gb hd(heaps of room on
it still),
i get anti virus update and full scan of system each day, all clear.

checked with son (18yo and just uses computer for fun, has no idea how
it works, doesnt really care, argh) and he says when the sound went
out (if he recalls correctly, still in major teenage odd hours awake
mode), he'd been viewing a dvd from the video shop, this asked him to
install something, which he said ok to, tho had little idea what he
was ok'ing. the prob i have was not of my own making, son seemed to
have done this one. the next day there was no sound. i was not in the
country when this happened so can not be sure how accurate he is, he
has little knowledge of the computer.

have double checked sound on both headset, computer speaker in tower
and stereo speakers on desk by resetting each one, rebooting the
system and again, no sound comes thru.
when using yahoo msg'r the voice works thru my headset to others but i
can not hear them, yes volume is up.
if voice on yahoo msg'r works, is the sound card ok???
again, open to suggestions.
much thanks in advance,
<wondering if i need to look inside the tower this time?>

Things to try, doing one thing at a time and testing after each change:

1. Do a System Restore to when things worked. If this solves the issue,
stop here.

2. Uninstall whatever your son installed. If this works, stop here.

3. Make sure the speakers work on another computer. Make sure the
connection to the computer is snug and they are in the correct
connector. If this solves the issue, stop here.

4. One good way to test if the problem is hardware or software is to
boot with Knoppix, a Linux distro that runs from cd. If the sound is
perfect in Linux, then you know the problem is with Windows. If the
sound is bad, then it is hardware. If the hardware is bad, replace it.

5. It is not a waste of time to learn how to post properly. It is a
waste of time to not post properly.


Mike Fields

nzlstar* said:
i'll try this again.
returned from trip away and find sound is gone.
no windows xp start sounds either getting thru.
i know the speakers all work as i can hear the wee click when they are
turned on.
voice goes out when i use voice chat on yahoo msg'r but i cant hear them
talking to me.
i presume as the voice goes out that the sound card is not kaput!
i've checked all the settings i know how to check. nothing on mute, all
volumes up.
anyone got any other things i can check?
much tia,

OK, lets start with a simple test -- if you have an MP3 player or
gameboy or ??? that has a headphone jack, try plugging the
speakers into that -- do they work now ?? If yes, problem
is in computer - if no, problem is speakers. Try headphones
in the computer - does that work ? The fact that you can
hear "a wee click when they are turned on" does not necessarily
mean they are working correctly.



1. tried a system restore and no dates will go thru. unsure why. oh well.
2. son can not recall what he did or what program it was. dont see anything
out of the ordinary on the add/remove progs list either.
3. i have nothing here to test the speakers on. however the headset also is
not producing feedback but the voice out on it works fine(thru yahoo msg'r
prog) and no sound from the speaker in the tower either.
4. the D drive (cd-rw thing) disappeared off the 'my computer' screen the
other day too. no idea what is going on here with that....just tried putting
in a cd and using 'run' but the D drive is not showing as hardware on here
at all now. :(
do i spy a trend here over the whole system losing it.
5. sorry i was not responding as i should, ignore what i said before re
waste of time.

out of mental energy to call/deal with the computer comp so we'll have to
live like this til i do.
much thanks for all the suggestions.
<just shoot me perhaps is easier, seems my whole world here has gone


thanks mikey,
no mp3 player or gameboy in the house.
puter is sole source of amusement, well other than tv of course, fwiw most
of the time.
headset is sending my voice out...is that also going thru the sound
card?...but none is coming back in...thats using yahoo msg'r.
anything i can tell be opening tower for a look/see?
just shoot me :(


nzlstar* wrote on Fri, 29 Jul 2005:
1. tried a system restore and no dates will go thru. unsure why. oh well.
2. son can not recall what he did or what program it was. dont see anything
out of the ordinary on the add/remove progs list either.
3. i have nothing here to test the speakers on. however the headset also is
not producing feedback but the voice out on it works fine(thru yahoo msg'r
prog) and no sound from the speaker in the tower either.
4. the D drive (cd-rw thing) disappeared off the 'my computer' screen the
other day too. no idea what is going on here with that....just tried putting
in a cd and using 'run' but the D drive is not showing as hardware on here
at all now. :(
do i spy a trend here over the whole system losing it.
5. sorry i was not responding as i should, ignore what i said before re
waste of time.

out of mental energy to call/deal with the computer comp so we'll have to
live like this til i do.
much thanks for all the suggestions.
<just shoot me perhaps is easier, seems my whole world here has gone

Hi Jeanne

I know you've tried a lot of things and are probably sick of the whole
thing by now. . . but have you actually tried looking at the sound
device in Device Manager?

I'm not sure from what you've said whether you have a sound card or
integrated on-board sound, but either way they should be listed. Does
Device Manager say sound is working, or is there an exclamation point or
question mark next to it?

It's worth trying uninstalling your sound device, then rebooting and
letting Windows detect and reinstall it. Same goes for your misbehaving
CD drive too.

Sorry if you've already tried this, but as you didn't say so, I thought
it was worth mentioning.

I hope you do get it fixed soon.

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