I have 2048 ddr but it says low disc space in drive c



this is a new computer and it came with 2 512 ddr chips
and i put 2 512 ddr into it makeing 2048 ddr "2 gig " but
it says low disc space . ive had the computer a week and
dont have but 3 games installed and havent downloaded
anything but it says low disc space .!!! please help
me ?????

Tom Swift

Disk space refers to your hard disk. 'DDR' is memery. These are not the

Tom Swift

Steve C. Ray

What is the size of your hard drive? Is it partitioned, and if so, what size
are the partitions? As Tom pointed out you increased RAM (which was probably
not necessary). RAM size and hard disk size are two different things. The
message you are getting is referring to the hard disk.

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