How to show a e.g. company logo at start-up



Hi there,
has anyone an idea of how to show a company logo at start-up of
powerpoint ( I have created an add-in with auto_open where I would like
to run a macro that displays our company logo at start-up of that
add-in for a few seconds)
How do I display a .gif only?

Thanks for your input.


Steve Rindsberg

Hi there,
has anyone an idea of how to show a company logo at start-up of
powerpoint ( I have created an add-in with auto_open where I would like
to run a macro that displays our company logo at start-up of that
add-in for a few seconds)

You could probably have the add-in load a form with an image control
(containing your GIF) on it or have the form's b/g be set to your GIF.

The form's load code could use the SLEEP API to wait for nn seconds then hide
and unload the form.


Thanks for your ideas. Let me check them out. I'll come back to you
once I'm through.


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