How to send an alert to another person when an email has been move



I am using Outlook 2003 and we have a general email mailbox for the company
which onlygets checked by one person. They sort the emails into different
folders according what they contain.
What I would like to set up is when they move the email into a folder an
alert is sent to the staff member responsible for that data/information.
Can someone help me with this.

Kind regards



Jessmaddren said:
I am using Outlook 2003 and we have a general email mailbox for the company
which onlygets checked by one person. They sort the emails into different
folders according what they contain.
What I would like to set up is when they move the email into a folder an
alert is sent to the staff member responsible for that data/information.
Can someone help me with this.

Kind regards


Um, just how are you going to "alert" the person responsible for that
folder unless you use e-mail to do so? And if you send them e-mail, it
goes into the same Inbox that your mail manager person is handling. If
it is some shared folder that they are responsible for, you could use a
rule to move the incoming e-mails into the proper shared folders and
then forward a copy to the individual's separate e-mail account - but
then you obviate the purpose of the mail manager person because the
rules will be handling the management. But why move a copy of the
e-mail into a shared folder if you are going to forward a copy of that
e-mail to the responsible person, anyway?

Judy Gleeson \(MVP Outlook\)

Here's a solution more in line with how Outlook wants to work....

Drag the email to the Tasks Folder and Assign it to the right person.
Add the Owner field to the Tasks folder so you can redilly see all Tasks for
each of the people you Assign them to.


Judy Gleeson
MVP Outlook

Are you sick of bad email practice? Get a copy of my paper "Implementing
Email Policy" from the Desk Doctors website.

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