How to remove WinXP programs?


Roger Daht

Hi. I would like to try to make my Windows XP Pro installation suck less,
if that's possible. In their usual move toward greater control of world
supremacy, Microsoft once again sought to give users even less control over
their operating system, by having it install a plethora of software that
you can't get rid of. XP Pro only allowed me to remove the software that
Bill Gates felt would be okay, apparently. But everything that Microsoft
does, someone else does better. SO I'd like to use my own software instead
of Bill Gateses, but don't know how to get the needless junk out of my hard
drive, because it does not show up in Windows components. Here's some of
the things I was not able to uninstall:


Media Player
Movie Mager
Outlook Express
Messenger HyperTerm (?)
Frontpage (?)

There were also folders I couldn't even delete. An error kept coming up
about how they were in use by the system or another person. Which is a lie!
There was nothing in those folders loaded by the system.


Windows NT
MSN Gaming Zone
Tour XP
....and anything to do with MSN or any of the other online ISP's they try to
load onto your system!

Seriously... I thought Microsoft was fined for this kind of unjust business
practices of forcing users to choose Microsoft software (beyond the OS
itself of course) with their operating systems? I recall there was a big
thing that Netscape and other companies brought up about MS monopolizing
the browser market by integrating Explorer and not supplying an uninstall
routine, thereyb forcing users to keep Explorer. Yet I see Explorer is
STILL integrated into the latest Microsoft operating systems!

Richard Urban

Microsoft can include pretty much what it wishes in their system. What they
can not do is to prevent you from installing, and using, software from

So, instead of getting your panties in a bunch, just don't use what you
don't want to use. Couldn't be any simpler!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

Mark Dormer

Try going into Control Panel--Add/remove programs.
On the left select Add/Remove Windows Components.
Here you can get rid of MSN Explorer, Outlook Express and Internet Games.

The Frontpage is there for compatability, it is not the application

The xerox folder is used by the integrated imaging system, it will always be
in use by the system
Media Player is integrated, some report uninstalling it, but seems more
dangerous than its worth

Mark Dormer

Roger Daht

As mentioned, I can't do that. None of the programs I listed are available
under Add/Remove Windows Components.

Roger Daht

Microsoft can include pretty much what it wishes in their system. What
can not do is to prevent you from installing, and using, software from

So, instead of getting your panties in a bunch, just don't use what you
don't want to use. Couldn't be any simpler!

Uh-huh. Yup. I can see why they call you a crusty old bastard, all right.
Actually, it could be simpler. If you want to provide an even stupider
answer to the question, you could just tell me not to use Windows XP. Then
it could never be argued that you aren't a total waste of bandwidth with
your stupid-ass answers, ya COB. Thing is, you're wrong. Microsft CAN'T
"pretty much do what it wishes with their system". That includes
implementing software in the OS that funnels money away from your bank
account while you're busy reading the latest in alternative news at, and it also includes the "unfair business practices" I mentioned
in my message, which comprise of monopolizing business markets and stifling
competition by forcing Windows customers to use Microsoft software bundled
with their OS. This was the basis of the anti-trust lawsuits filed by the
US government against Microsoft, for integrating the Explorer browser with
their OS. But perhaps, being a crusty ol' bastard, you've lived under a
rock the last ten years and haven't heard of it?

Steve C. Ray

No one is forcing you to use anything. You don't have to use Windows as an
operating system. You don't have to use IE as your web browser. You don't
have to use OE, or the games, or defrag, or WordPad, etc. no more than you
are forced to watch all the channels that come with your cable TV package,
or are forced to buy all the products that are in the flyers that come in
your newspaper, etc. Do you use every feature in every software application
that you own? My printer can print on both sides of the page. I don't use
that feature because I choose not to. But I don't bitch to HP because they
have that option built in. Crusty makes more sense than you do.


Did you READ what Mark said?
I think you're confusing Add/Remove Programs with Add/Remove Windows
Components (which appears in Add/Remove Programs) - two different things.

Sure, they don't appear in my Add/Remove Programs either, but he distinctly
said -

"On the left select Add/Remove Windows COMPONENTS."

That's in the L/H column !!
You'll find most of them there, such as MSN, WMP & so on.

Joe Samangitak

johnf said:
Did you READ what Mark said?
I think you're confusing Add/Remove Programs with Add/Remove Windows
Components (which appears in Add/Remove Programs) - two different things.

Sure, they don't appear in my Add/Remove Programs either, but he distinctly
said -

"On the left select Add/Remove Windows COMPONENTS."

That's in the L/H column !!
You'll find most of them there, such as MSN, WMP & so on.

Look you stupid moron, next time you have a hankering to put your foot
in your mouth, try taking your head out of your ass first. NEITHER of
you read what I said, which is that I had already checked Add/Remove
windows components for these programs, it was EMPTY! You know, like
your head? Empty? Hellooo? Anybody home? Do you want me to say it a
third time, or are you still too slow to catch up? You even QUOTED me
as saying to mark that I had checked Windows Components!
You gotta be six different kinds of stupid to come up with this, or
you're just a worthless troll. Either/or....


Joe Samangitak

Steve C. Ray said:
No one is forcing you to use anything. You don't have to use Windows as an
operating system. You don't have to use IE as your web browser. You don't
have to use OE, or the games, or defrag, or WordPad, etc. no more than you
are forced to watch all the channels that come with your cable TV package,
or are forced to buy all the products that are in the flyers that come in
your newspaper, etc. Do you use every feature in every software application
that you own? My printer can print on both sides of the page. I don't use
that feature because I choose not to. But I don't bitch to HP because they
have that option built in. Crusty makes more sense than you do.

Well, there's the stupid answer that your crusty ol' bastard friend
was too shy to post. If he's dumb, I guess you must be dumber. Or is
it dumbest? Too bad you weren't one of the prosecutors in the
anti-trust suit filed against Bill Gates for just this reason. I'm
sure the "no one is forcing you to use any of the three hundred
software apps that Bill Gates tries to cram down your throat when you
buy his operatingn system" argument would have silenced the software
development crtics who are at the receiving end of Microsoft's unfair
business practices. Because its obvious that no one was brilliant
enough to come up with your argument. Unfortunately, you weren't there
to kiss Gate's ass, and he lost the anti-trust suit. Too bad,
Microsoft-bot. I'm sure there'll be other opportunities for you to
fawn over your geek God....


Good, I'm glad you clarified in a nice polite way that you did actually
check there.

In light of tone of your reply to someone who tried to assist.
I hope no-one else even bothers to try & help you & you NEVER ever work out
how to delete them so they will always be there as a reminder that
politeness achieves better results than rudeness.

Richard Urban


He's not even the original poster. Don't waste your time with this jerk!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)


I noticed that, but he has the same cute, friendly way with words as the
original poster, so I guessed it's probably the same bloke.

Joe Samangitak

johnf said:
Good, I'm glad you clarified in a nice polite way that you did actually
check there.

If you had any reading comprehension skills at all, I wouldn't have
had to clarify this three times.
In light of tone of your reply to someone who tried to assist.

Number one, you clueless dumbass, YOU'RE the one who started being
rude to me; and you DIDN'T even try to assist. All you tried to do was
insist on showing what a stupid goofball you are, by telling me I
didn't read the response I got, when it was YOU that didn't read ****
all to begin with and didn't understand what the **** you were talking
about. God forbid you actually admit what a dolt you were and
apologize to me for your unwarranted rudeness and idiocy.
I hope no-one else even bothers to try & help you & you NEVER ever work out
how to delete them so they will always be there as a reminder that
politeness achieves better results than rudeness.

Blah, blah, blah. I hope someone shoves your head in a toilet, long
enough for you to be brain damaged, so you can have a reminder of what
an impertient fool you are. Oh, looks like I already got my wish.


That's fine and dandy, but bless his heart, the poor guy never got his answer. The question was: "How do you delete say, Outlook Express, or in my situation, the MSN Gaming folder?" I would just like to save that space on my hard drive for other things and unclutter my system with unnecessary stuff. Is it possible? I wouldn't mind deleting Outlook Express myself, since I never ever use it. If someone could simply answer the question we would be greatful
Sincerely, Matthew

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