How To Network 98-XP




I have created a network between 4 XP computers before, but was just
wondering if it is fairly straight-forward (or not) to create a wireless
network between 98 and XP?

Many thanks,

Steve Winograd [MVP]


I have created a network between 4 XP computers before, but was just
wondering if it is fairly straight-forward (or not) to create a wireless
network between 98 and XP?

Many thanks,

The hardest part will be finding a wireless network adapter that works
on Windows 98. Most of them require Windows 98 Second Edition and
won't work on the original edition of Windows 98.

A wireless infrastructure network (using a wireless access point or
router) is much easier to set up than a wireless ad-hoc network
(direct connection between computers).

Once all computers are connecting to the wireless network, run XP's
Network Setup Wizard on them. It will make all the necessary settings
for file and printer sharing.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program



I have created a network between 4 XP computers before, but was just
wondering if it is fairly straight-forward (or not) to create a wireless
network between 98 and XP?

Many thanks,


Setting up a wireless LAN, like a wired LAN, between Windows 98 and XP
computers, is pretty straightforward. Do all computers have Internet access?
Connectivity is the first requirement.

Once that's done, setup file sharing. Here are 4 websites with instructions.

For more depth about file sharing in your situation, see the Microsoft white

There is one detail which the above websites won't mention. Network
Neighborhood (ie, the ability of each computer to "see" the others) is provided
by the browser (this is NOT the program that you surf the web from). The
browsers in Windows 9x (95, 98, ME) don't work well with the browsers for
Windows NT (NT, 2000, XP).

Please let us know if any of these suggestions are of any help. What you learn
may help others in the future, and that's the purpose of these forums.

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