How to make a production schedule for recipies



Can this discussion group please provide me with ideas on how I would set up
a Access Database for a production schedule for recipies? Each day has 15
unique recipies to be made. What will change each day will be the reagent
used and the lot number but the recipie will be the same, steps 1-19 for
example. I need this to be printed in Word and I have no clues. I can
create a database with the reagent name and lot number and can dump that into
the form. Where would I then put the steps 1-19 for the instructions? I
need it to be spaced properly with a blank before the step so that it can be
signed off that the step was performed.
I tired entering a memo in a form but the spacing is off and I can not space
it correctly. Also I will need help calculating dates such as one year from
the date of production, using the date the form was printed as the date of
production and then calculating a one year date from this date.
Any help will greatly be appreciated.

Thank You!

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